NEWS - Most recent first.
We have added a video of Rosall on You Tube. It is a video of him and JJ Tate during one of the Tests at the 10 Day Advanced Stallion Performance Test held March, 2008 in Jupiter Florida. *
The most current Rosall information and videos will be on the Hassler Dressage website, see the Links page.
For Donavan and his foals, use:
To learn about inspections for your foals and mares, go to the Links page. Find the registry you are interested in and go to their site.
Read their menu for the inspection tour dates. LINKS page will help.
Note the new Facebook link, above. Follow us!
Wendy Winett Costello, Donavan, Rosall and Kent Island SPorthorses each have a page on Facebook.
2011 Breeding season will start soon; Call me, Wendy Costello re: Donavan . If you can store frozen semen correctly, please call to purchase Donavan doses at any time! 443 249 3566; For Rosall information , please contact Melissa of Hassler Dressage <>
1-6-11 Please bear with us as we try to archive the "Old" and bring on the New!
IN December, Rosall and Dragee by Donavan went with JJ Tate to Florida, to train and show! Rosall to begin his FEI efforts in earnest.. andDragee to become confirmed under saddle , walk , trot and canter, as she is a coming 4 year old!
Donavan is entering his 26th year. We love this guy and he looks super! Distinguished by the gray on his eyes and muzzle, but chipper and fun to be with. We are excitedly awaiting his foal out of out lovely TB mare, Little Black, called Beauty!
Check out
this great photo of Donavan by a client of ours.
Richard Malmgren of Hassler Dressage takes lovely photos of Rosall .. With Jessica Jo " JJ" Tate up.
here is a sample: right below.

December 6, 2010: Remembering my Dad, Arnold S. Winett. He started me on my way to life of loving horses. Shown here with my daughter Jill. His birthday is on Dec 6. 
Dad rode horses when on his breaks while in the US Army Air Corps, WWII. He and i used to go for a ride on rented horses on weekends form when I was about 7 to 15 years old. NO lessons, just rode! And no one led us around, or reeled me in either! Thanks DAD.!
November 30-Dec 1, 2010; Happy Holidays to all! 
So much news! Visited Gigi and Bianna and Rosall and JJ , the week before they left for Florida. ( Dec 1). Bianna was being visited by a perspective buyer, and Gigi was starting her work with John. Rosall looks awesome and JJ really thinks he is showing that FEI talent! He is working on pirouettes, and tempis and building all of the right muscles! My two pregnant mares, Beauty and Princess are blossoming, and we aare very excited about their coming foals. Beauty looks pretty big, her Donavan filly (?) is due end of March, and Princess's Rousseau baby is due by July 1. Bianna has come home to wait for another possible buyer to visit, and we cannot wait to ride her again.
Rosall and JJ rode for Charles de Kunffy, noted Equestrian, Classical Dressage expert and author; JJ's long time mentor.
Wow!! He really likes him!
Donavan had a bit of a problem with a hoof abscess , but it has healed and he is back to being his wonderful self!
Thanksgiving was quiet though very lovely and delicious!
Marty and I made cornish game hens, and had all of the sides like stuffing and cranberry sauce, and green beans and rice. Home made sugar cookies for dessert. NOw we plan to go visit the grandsons for Hanuklah/Christmas!
So Thankful for my family and friends!

Nov. 11, 2010; Celebrated Veterans Day by going to Milwaukee, and watching the dedication of a Veterans memorial on the Miller Brewing Company campus. ( Now Miller-Coors) Marty , now retired from Miller, had a large part it getting this done. We met a Congressional Medal of Honor winner!! That was a very inspiring event!
JJ is saying that Rosall is really doing well. We plan to visit her and Rosall and Gigi in Florida in a couple of months, after they settle in. If all goes as planned watch for Rosall in the ring again!!
October 2, 2010: WEG was fabulous!! Loved seeing our friends.
We were there and we are home. We drove to the lovely state of KY via a stop in Ohio to visit with Isabelle and Dave Brown at their lovely farm, Sellstedter hof ; A breeding and training barn.
They now have Precious Icon, ( Manhattan) , Rigoletto by Rosall, her son, Royall KIS by Rosall her son, Dahlgren KIS , her son by Donavan, and Don Giovanni her first son by Donavan ...all there!! We sold her back with Rigoletto in utero, and what fun to see them all! photo left is Isi and Don Giovanni. Right below, Marty gets reacquainted with Royall KIS ( Rusty) yearling.

Before leaving for KY, we said goodbye to the fillies, Balenciaga (Bugatti) and Rosallie KIS (Rosall) both staying the winter at Hilltop Farm for the raising program, owned now by Deb Dalseg of Canada. We said farewell to our beloved mares, Bevolina and Atlanta( Pepper) .left below) Tears flowed when Pepper left.. the end of an era! She was with us from almost the beginning when Donavan was getting started with JJ Tate. She got on the van and behaved like the star she is. Little Eddie, ( Royal English KIS by Rosall) left the day before his mom, and want on to Arkansas. He too was a champ, got on the trailer, in a box stall and was home in about 18 hours!! Carolyn English, his new "mom" was thrilled and we know he is a happy little guy! His big new friend, our Alum... Escudo II colt, Essex, has befriended him!

After the super visit with the Browns, we headed to Lexington KY and had a great time!! We saw all of the Dressage competitions, and what a thrill to see Steffen Peters and his Ravel, and Edward Gal and the exceptional Moorlands Totilas.. plus GR.Britain's Mistral Hojiris. Amazing horses ! Opening ceremonies were very special! There was a Sold out crowd for the Dressage Grand Prix Freestyle, and though the US just missed a medal in the team competition; Steffen took a Bronze in both the Special and the Freestyle!! Do go to the internet to see these fantastic rides. Try the USEF and WEG links to information, or go to you tube where many of the rides are posted. We also had fun watching the reining a bit! US took gold there!
Another special joy was getting to spend time with some other old friends... the Reeds. Marty was in the service with Jack (both Marine Pilots) and we have come to know his new wife Janet and love her. They breed half- Arabian Sporthorses! They volunteered at the WEG!!
Shopping was super, we did get some things!! ha ha Marty got some new reins and a bit for his work with JR, his western wonder horse.
Pepper with Eddie, ( Royal English KIS) in a photo by Marty Costello. this was featured on the cover of the Equiery magazine, ( their photo contest winner) and also the winner of the Select Breeders photo Contest!! Might make a poster of this.. anyone want one?
Pepper is in Louisiana now, with Erin Gillespie Granger! Looking forward to hearing about her next foals! Will post more pictures of Bevolina and her new owners Dee and Irv Herman in SC. A new barn greeted her! We also sent Posh with he. She will get some ground work done and keep Berolina company. I hear they are just chilling in the new pasture! 
Travel is fun but can be hard. Had to see my Big Guy, Donavan , right below. who looks good and was well cared for by Andrea and Nancy. We missed the 3 dogs, so that was a welcome sight when we picked them up!
Now back to work, we want to sell Bianna and Gigi , so looking for great homes, see our sales page.
The World Equestrian games are still going on.. Alltech put on a very wonderful exhibition of their work in research for feeding people and animals better! The Children's area was a special joy to visit! The KY volunteers could not have been nicer! The jumping, vaulting, Para Dressage, and Driving competitions.. are still being held. So glad that NBC and some other tv networks, and the web are showing some of the highlights! Perhaps one day .. they will show most!!

Rosall is doing super!!
JJ reports he is training well and looking ahead to some 4th level competition in Florida, perhaps stepping up to his PSG work too! Loved catching up with JJ at the WEG, she is a jet setter recently , giving many clinics, teaching her very loyal students all over the country!
September 11, 2010:
We remember. 
Today we thought about those people who gave their lives needlessly, and those that gave their lives in an effort to save others. And those that remain behind to grieve .
It was a beautiful day weather wise. Perfect Fall temps. We enjoyed an American pass time, a football game among many people of a variety of faiths and ethic origins, all enjoying the same day !
Today is also just a few days since our Royal Princess OBX came home to the farm. She has earned her Elite mare Candidate status, for the Hanoverians, and is now waiting for her Spring Foal by Rousseau!
Here ( at right) is Princess getting a meet and greet from Faith! The dynamics at the farm are changing rapidly . so far we have said goodbye to the two fillies of 2010, Elite mare Berolina, Dahlgren KIS (Boomer) the 2 year old by Donavan, Royalle KIS ( Rusty) the yearling; Posh has gone with Berolina, not sold, but for prep to be ridden! On the 17th , Atlanta (Pepper ) will also leave, to her new home in LA . And Royal English KIS ( formerly known as
Richenbacker ) aka Eddie will be leaving for his exciting new home in Arkansas! He will be with two KIS alums; Essex ( by Escudo II) and Dinah( by Donavan.)

Click on the picture of Faith and Princess to see it enlarged.
WEG The World Equestrian Games start September 25. We will be there!
We will see the Opening ceremonies, and all of the Dressage. We hope to fit in a few hours of Reining Too! If we are really lucky , we will get to visit some of the above mentioned alums, in Ohio! Manhattan, a former mare, her new Rosall colt , Rigoletto by Rosall, that we bred, Boomer, and Rusty are all there too, as is Don Giovanni , by Donavan . They are owned by wonderful friends and clients Dave and Isabelle Brown, or if one or two are sold, they are all there boarding or in training! How terrific is that!
Please keep up with us on Facebook as well!
my profile page. We also have a page for Donavan, Rosall and Kent Island Sporthorses
August 12, 2010 HOORAY! just found out last week that our Royal Princess OBX, new Elite mare Candidate, is in foal to Rousseau for 2011!! This was a one stop wonder! We made the decision late in the game, for this season, and only one cycle try and it all worked! So glad that the Hasslers are good enough friends to just do it until I could get everything in order! Thanks to them and to Vet. Jen Wright!! Also to Team Tate who interrupted the training schedule a bit to fit in her exams and insemination! I have asked for bubble wrap!
So now we cross the fingers that both Princess and our Beauty , have healthy foals next Spring/Summer.
Here is the latest photo of Donavan! This is taken by a dear friend Eve Redding, who lives near us in Annapolis which is
where we met over 40 years ago! Yes, He looks good . He is so beautiful and so very much fun to be around!
And here are a couple of grandchildren photos! right is our littlest, Quincy, on his way crawling up the Lincoln Monument! Below Left , Grandma and the two boys!

July 22, 2010:
Hot weather remains! A lot of time is spent with the fans, and the wash stall!
Am now on a hunt for a western saddle to fit my Faith. Marty is getting out on his super Paint/Qtr. Horse Junior. Thanks goodness he is feeling so well! Breeding season is winding down. Looking forward in the Spring to my Donavan filly (predicted by the vet) out of my lovely Approved TB, "Beauty". I am interviewing candidates for my new Head Barn Assistant. The fillies are preparing
(they don't know this) to be weaned!! And then the sold horses will begin moving out to their new homes! My son Adam and his wife Helen, with the 2 grandsons will arrive in August for a great long visit! Hooray! Jill ,our daughter will be coming in too from Florida!
I have posted a bit of a rant on my Soapbox! Frustrated is the word.. Stallion owners do get taken advantage of from time to time and it is happening now. I have been both mare owner and stallion owner and I know both sides.
July 12, 2010: Special girl ready to go!
Dragée by Donavan; Bianna (Bordeaux) had a lovely Hann. filly Fell in love with this one but reluctantly is offered for sale . . Dragee, shows lovely suspension and a super mind. Very loving to humans .almost 16hh at 3.5 yrs. The judges commented on her power from behind. She will dance! Or jump! Great mind! Learns very easily. She is more special as she grows.
Video of her now coming 3.. Special consideration for youth riders. Call with interest..
You Tube video: use wendycos in the YOUtube search to find my channel with videos posted.
Photo to left at her AHS inspection. Gigi has now worn her bridle and bit, now is with Blue Waters Farm with Emily Covington, same person who started Royal Princess. See her News below!! Price will increase when w/t/c under saddle. Can sell with Rosall breeding. $16,500 ... under saddle as of July 4, 2010!! Going well!
Dragee age 3. Larger ~ click on the picture to left.<
Royal Princess earns her Hanoverian elite mare candidate status.. Inspection at Hilltop Farm July 11, 2010.
JJ Tate and her team have once again helped us achieve our goals.
< ©by Richard Malmgren (arena by W. Costello)
We are so thrilled with this result. Princess got an 8 on rideability and on her head and neck, and other great scores that earned her the 2nd place in the inspection. Many lovely and talented mares were presented , some from Hilltop and our Princess really was her regal self! Her sire Royal Prince was also presented to the audience and we could see where she gets her elegance! We are so happy for our friends and breeders Don and Dee Kapper who sold us Princess as a yearling , as their lovely mare Brimming (Banter) truly contributed her beauty and pleasant nature to this girl.
Princess will be either sold to the perfect home only, or bred to Donavan and /or Rosall for future prospects.
Lovely Balenciaga KIS made us very proud at her Foal inspection and registration on July 11.
Judges spoke very favorably about her type and lovely head , neck. Her sire Bugatti Hilltop improved on our lovely Beauty (TB) ... and she moved around gthe arena with great expression! Deb Delseg , hher new owner is very prooud!

Balenciaga KIS - preparing for inspection.
Posting some photos , for your thoughts, will be back to make comments.. later. Or go to Facebook and see my postings!
Preparing for Inspections for the two fillies!! Mare Performance test for Royal Princess OBX.
Pepper (Atlanta ) was sold to a wonderful young breeder in Lousiana. We are very happy ! Congratulations to Erin Gillespie-Granger.

Balenciaga KIS and Rosallie KIS sunning themselves,
(Fillies by Ariel Berry.)

A little wren has made a nest in this watering can! babies are in there!
June 27, 2010:
OK, Now it is has reached 100°.. but that was yesterday! Today , it is cooler. Finally had a bit of rain, and temps fell.
We bathed and bathed! The foals needed to cool off! And Donavan was a bit stressed to say the least. Big Dark boy!
Some more great news: a new ( for us) breeder , Carolyn Wright in Georgia just wrote and her mare is in foal to Donavan! Donavan's frozen semen is working at 100 % this year! so I think the vets are getting better! haha .. it is the same as every other year! nothing in the semen changed so .. :-). Anyway, that is great news. She has a lovely TB mare, Astaire. Cute name. Reg. as
Astair tothe master. Born in 2000.
She is also a jumper so this is very exciting. Donavan has a number of jumping offspring so this really pleases us. See the two photos her, She is a talented girl!
<Astaire.. lovely mare.
Getting closer to the inspections for the foals. The first one is for the Hanoverians, Balenciaga KIS (Belle). She will go to HIlltop Farm on July 11. We are also going to be there with our Royal Princess who is preparing for her MPT with JJ Tate and Team Tate Dressage. July 14 will be Rosallie KIS's turn , to be registered GOV. (Oldenburg)
Anyone wanting to learn more about these inspections or testings, can call me , e-mail me, or go the links for the registries on my Links page and read about it. It is a very educational experience to learn more about the reasons that breeders should be careful about breeding , why they choose a stallion and who they pair up their mares with. What to look for in a nice foal.
Astair jumping right>
Thought I would post this too. this is the training pyramid for Dressage.. a
Starting out with a young horse new to the saddle, work along these lines , a great guide line .
Ask your next trainer if he/she has heard of this!!
June 22, 2010:
Wow, hot!! Temperatures are reaching well into the 90's, Summer is officially here and then some!
News update: Have an e-mail offer on Atlanta , Pepper! I have accepted so will keep you informed if she has a great new home! That will be so nice for her to go to a great home and be useful as a broodmare there too.
I also heard from Dr. Lori Miinteer of Florida, that her two Rosall foals, both from Embryo Transfer, have arrived. A colt and a filly! both dark bay or Black! Isn't that something! Seems some of Rosario , the sire of Rosall is really coming through!
So far, thi s is the pic I have, I
think this is the filly! Lovely.
I see a star and right hind sock.. Anxiously awaiting the other pictures!
Help Wanted!
I am looking for some new help in the barn, to start near end of summer, and continue for the year round. Part time, with experience! I also have the apartment open, and this could be part time for the day, 5 days a week, or part time for the week, some of the days but full days??
You can possibly bring a horse .
Inspection dates are soon arriving! We will take our Royal Princess for her mare Performance test and breeding approval at Hilltop Farm on July 11. Beauty and Belle ( Balenciaga KIS) will also go for the foals registration. Then a few days later, we take Berolina and her Rosall Filly, Rosallie KIS for that registration and inspection , at High Point Hanoverians. It is a German Oldenburg Verband Inspection.
We had a great time watching Princess practice her Free Jump at Hasslers last weekend. She is super ! I always love seeing her, she is a lovely mare. I have not priced her for sale yet, but if you would be interested , let me know. She is by Royal Prince and out of a lovely Banter mare.
We had a great time at the new facility at Riveredge, ( Hassler Dressage) when the Young Rider Dressage Freestyle Challenge for fundraising was held. Such a top notch facility, with great people and of course lovely horses! See my Links page for the website.
Donavan update: He is super! BEST News yet: a DONAVAN MARE (Donnica) in SC is now confirmed in foal to ROSALL! So exciting. And the same breeder has a mare (Sukyama) in foal again to Donavan. AND WE HAVE A MARE IN FOAL TO DONAVAN! OUR BEAUTY!! Vet says a FILLY.. we shall see.
Donavan is a very perky 25 year old stallion! A bit of gray distinguishes him. >
His son Boomer left for Ohio along with Rosall's first son Royall KIS.. both from same Dam, are now home with their mom, and siblings! Congrats to the Browns!
Song left also this passed week. He is in MD, and got on the trailer like a champ and went on his way .He stays in MD though so we can see him!
Marty has been up on JR his qtr horse/ paint.. And so have I. What fun! He is a very well trained horse! Gonna teach Faith some Western work too! 
Less than 100 days to the World Equestrian Games in KY! Cannot wait! see you there! <3
June 15, 2010: Note this ad has some changes. Price is reduced. this is a horse you don't want to pass on!
Davy Crockett,
$45,000.00. Owner motivated to sell so price has been reduced.
One of Donavan's most successful offspring is being offered RELUCTANTLY for sale.
17 H, bay gelding, 7 yrs old, by ES Donavan out of MS Winpenny (Weltbekannt ) Davy Crockett is an upcoming star for the ambitious amateur or talented youth rider. The image and gentle temperament of his Grand Prix Sire, the beauty of his Dam and the elegant movement of both. Davy’s successful career in the show ring started early winning ribbons in hand as a yearling. His under saddle training started with Grand Prix rider, J.J. Tate. He was chosen to be ridden in a Scott Hassler clinic for the American Hanoverian Society to demonstrate Young Horse training and went on to successfully compete in the Young Horse Championships. Davy has always been an amateur friendly horse who has had, and continues to have, the best care and training.
Currently, he is in training with Felicitas Von Neumann-Cosel at First Choice Farm in Woodbine, MD ,"Schooling Third Level, half passes, changes and has been introduced to the double bridle."
Current owner remarks:
"He is a wonderful horse and because of him I have had a fun and SUCCESSFUL introduction into the world of Dressage. "Loves to hack out alone or in company and enjoys trail rides. Talent as a Hunter too!! ."As a rider new to Dressage, I recognize my need to learn on a Schoolmaster and for this reason only, he is for sale." owner Jayne Nessif. go to the Sales page for contact info.
We are enjoying time with our new friends, and buyers of Paprika KIS, the Cheryl and Sal Nateren family and their daughter Kelsea! They are here from CA and enjoying seeing DC , going to Hasslers for the Grand Prix Dressage challenge of the Junior young riders of America.OF course spencing time with Posh, the 2 year old by Pablo out of our Atlanta!
Check out our Facebook pages, Donavan, Rosall and Kent Island Sporthorses, also mine, Wendy Costello.
June 10, 2010
Brentano II passes away! 
The legendary Hanoverian foundation sire Brentano II passed away following a severe colic attack during the night between Wednesday and Thursday 10 June 2010.
Representing the much valued B-line Brentano II was sired by Bolero and out of Glocke by Grande, and was bred by Max Schulz-Stellenfleth. His career highlights are: 1985 Hanoverian Licensing Champion, 1986 reserve stallion performance test winner and Hanoverian Stallion of the Year in 2003.
Brentano II has 1880 Hanoverian branded and registered offspring of which 23 sons are licensed and 514 daughters are graded throughout Germany. His daughter State Premium Mare Bona Dea became the champion of the 2000 Ratje-Niebuhr Elite Mare Show. In the Brandenburg state stud of Neustadt a.d. Dosse his daughter Poesie produced a new dynasty with World and Bundeschampion Poetin and the licensed stallions Samba Hit I to IV as top names.
Brentano II's most famous offspring in the dressage ring were Debbie McDonald's Brentina and Sven Rothenberger's Barclay II, full sister and brother out of a dam by Lungau and both competed at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.
The highly valued B-line will be carried on by Brentano II sons like Ballettmeister, Benneton Dream and Belstaff, and also dominant representatives of the Bolero line like Belissimo M and Breitling W.
This is the Sire of our dear Elite mare Bevolina. She is going to be a part of The successful breeding program of Dee Herman in S. Carolina.
She is the dam of very lovely DeBonne Grace, and Debrentanya by ES Donavan; Sinatra Balladeer KIS by Sinatra Song; and now our wonderful Rosallie KIS by Rosall.
Such good news!! We have sold to wonderful homes, The 2010 fillies, Belle and Rosebud (Bugatti hilltop and Rosall ); The 2 year old Paprika KIS by Pablo to California! Bevolina to S.C. and Rusty and Boomer ( Rosall and Donavan) to Ohio.
"Song" ( Sinatra Song) has already left to new home in MD.. not too far away. Congrats to Liz H.
See Sales page for the ones still available.
Thanks wwc
June 1- 31, 2010
Ahh June, flowers are blooming and weather is settling down, except for the occasional shower.. or T-Storm.
I found out who the smart horses were when a huge and heavy rain and brief lightening storm came through. Faith took Bianna and Posh and led them to the shelter and they were in there , just dry as can be while I struggled to lead in some of the gang not so smart!
John Schneider has been coming out from Team Tate Dressage to ride Bianna (Bordeaux) and he is really helping a lot. He is such a nice, quiet rider. He has helped to show her to some people who might buy her, and I was greatly impressed by his ability to give the young rider a lesson on the spot. 
Bianna is building her top line muscles again, and becoming a more rideable Dressage horse as well strengthening her abilities for being a hunter.> Doug Langer DVM bred Bianna and sold her tome as a yearling. She has done it all! Been a mom, and shown as a Hunter, and is schooling Dressage! Don't let her get away!
May 1- 31 2010
The month is almost over. Whew! Lovely weather today and yesterday, hit 90°
May 26.
Several of the horses have sold. Rusty and Boomer will leave with the Browns over the weekend.. and join their siblings and their Dam at their farm, I know they will live wonderful useful lives. Paprika may be moving to California, we will let you know. Berolina will go to S. Carolina when Rosallie is weaned. <3 how come that is a heart on Facebook?
The long planned for stained glass windows are now up in the front of the Main Barn!! yay! There is one of my first Filly Doha Day, the filly on our logo. And
one of the American flag.

I took these at night with my phone camera.. sonot so great.. but you can get the idea.
I am so tickled with them. I designed the foal , and had the flag from another time. I found a local artist who was willing to come out and talk with me and go home and send me many emails to get it right!
I will have to get better photos to really see them.
Graduation of the midshipmen of the Naval Academy is this Friday and we will be there. VP Biden will speak. We know a couple of the mids that are graduating this year so it will be very nice. Today , Marty was at the Blue Angels demonstration while I was holding fillies for a vet check~!
May 17, 2010:
Look at this fellow: Richenbacker KIS by Rosall out of Atlanta.

Wow, whirlwind weekend. Nice folks came to try Bianna, and they said many nice things about her , not quite a match for the rider, but they really liked a couple of others so we will see. That is how this business goes!
Our new weekend barn assistant, Lindsey rode her and just loves her. We also have another new assistant , Ariel Berry who has signed on to work for us during her summer home from college. That is nice as she lives very close by, as does Lindsey. It is hard to travel far , paying gas prices, etc. so this is very pleasant. Josie , who has been managing KIS is going to be leaving us mid June. She is considering a new focus in her life, and we really wish her well.
When the dust settles from the sales we have been making , we will see how much additional help we will need by Fall.

Oh , not to forget, look at this Rosall fellow, born in Ohio out of Precious Icon, the mare we sold back to Isabelle Brown. Check out their nice new website,
Isi reports he is very fancy and very just a wow colt!
May 14, 2010:
Almost falling asleep after trying to organize my facebook pages and my Foals of 2010 page here, and now this news!
We have been very gratified by the friends and acquaintances that have come to us to buy some of the horses.
so far, Bevolina is sold. Also Boomer and Rusty are going to join their Dam and 2 half siblings at Isabelle's and Dave's farm in Ohio. Their newest is the colt we bred when the mare Precious Icon was here, but we sold the mare back to them with a Rosall foal in utero, and he is a darling foal! see Rosall's offspring page.
We may be receiving a deposit soon on the 2 fillies of this year, our Belle and Rosebud. Oh I will miss them but they don't leave until weaning, and inspection. Dragee is off to be backed at our friends ' in Chesapeake City, Blue Waters Farm, where Princess was started. They seem to really like her!
must go to bed.. will try to update more soon.
May 9,
~ Happy Mothers Day!! ~
Says Dreamer, my daughter's Macaw!!
Hello all!
Yesterday... The eve of Mothers Day,
Finally, after 360 days, my mare Atlanta has had her Rosall foal, a colt! He is so cute! He looks bay so far, but time will tell. He has a star and diagonal white socks. Breeding season is over.. and we have the 2 girls and this young fellow. 
He will found on the Sales page and the Rosall offspring page too. AS I get some , better pics will be posted. He was a very exciting birth, probably hit the floor a bit! We missed it, so he came fast! Mom may not have laid down! but he is perfect, and so long legged , we are really pleased! Cannot wait to see him dance like his father and Grand fathers!
ES Bevolina is Sold! We are so very grateful that our dear friend and client of many years, Dee Butler Herman has decided to buy our beautiful Elite mare, Bevolina! She is a dream mare, and I know Dee will love her and care for her, and breed her carefully! There are many interested people asking about the horses, so if you are also thinking of buying, do get in touch. wwc
May 1:
OK the bright rainbow we feel we have lived under since Donavan arrived in our lives over 12 years ago, has faded a bit briefly over the last 2 weeks! Marty, my husband has suffered 2 strokes ( one took a while to diagnose) in the last 2 months, We are very lucky in that he has not suffered any serious, permanent damage, and is good and home from the hospital. But we are now embracing a different focus. This means we are going to downsize the breeding operation immediately.
We are selling the breeding stock except for the stallions and my new mare Beauty who is in foal to Donavan! We are keeping our pleasure riding horses, the pony and my seniors.
This means the wonderful mares, Berolina and Atlanta, and Bianna who is under saddle, but has had a Hanoverian filly. We
had started to do this before, but now will negotiate a very reasonable price for interested breeders.
The sucklings, and yearlings are some of the best we have ever bred, so we are really giving you an opportunity to buy super prospects for low prices.
Please give a call or e-mail me, if you have an interest. I love these horses dearly and will only sell them to those who will care for them as I do.
Thanks for being great friends, clients and horse lovers.
This photo of the lovely boy jumping is Divine, aka Divvy owned by Andrea Mitchell . He is full sibling to Davy Crockett. Bred by Valerie Ahl in WI. This is one of 3 Donavan sons bred by Valerie Ahl. One other is Drizzle, a huge gray boy , owned by Bobbie McDonald who is now stareting his show career as well.

Andrea reports that after his Dressage work he is often jumped a bit and he loves it, He also loves the trails, so she now wonders if he will make a great event horses as some of his siblings are. Maybe! The photo is by K. Fischer..and is a great shot indeed!

This beautiful pair is my wonderful trainer and "tall daughter" JJ Tate with her neat , handsome young horse, Quincy. This gorgeous photo is by Richard Malmgren, a PR person for Hassler Dressage, among other things, and also her boyfriend. He truly knows and loves his subject!!
JJ is currently campaigning several horses , and that includes our Rosall, young Oldenburg Stallion. She returned home from Florida in April and is back to work at Riveredge , also home to Hassler Dressage where Rosall stands for breeding.
Had a super visit recently with Dee Butler Herman, one of our oldest , most loyal clients and now a friend! She has followed Donavan for years, even from before I owned him. She is still breeding to him and also my dream comes true, she will breed her Donavan daughter , Donnica ( Cookie) to Rosall! And she is repeating a very successful breeding of her TB mare to Donavan .
This is the joy of the breeding business.
Dee has had opportunity before to see Donavan in Florida and ride him. And she was so happy to visit him again. He showed off with some passage and extended trot ! Seems he remembers her. He is such a hugger!
Hoping Dee and her very nice husband Irv Herman, will send me some of the pics they took!
April 1- 30: Spring did come!
April 24, 2010: Congratulations to Prospect Equine Farms 
ES Donavan's daughter Prospect's Danika helped to propel her dam - Prospect's Atheana - to win the Canadian Sport Horse Association 2009 Ontario Chapter Progeny of Dam Championship.
How excited are we? So much so! We enjoy the Canadian connection we have through Donavan. Danika as a yearling left.
Also, Just heard from prospective client for Donavan breeding this year, in British Columbia! That will be fun.
April 22, 2010: Finally back to having some time.
Please check my new posts on the Facebook page. I seem to be spending a bit too much time there, but sharing with friends is a good thing. Major news is that we are no longer going to collect Donavan for breeding. We will happily sell his frozen semen but we think he is entitled now to be fully, 100 % retired! He is good. Feeling frisky and enjoying Spring..
We heard from a new breeder that her mare is in foal to Donavan, one try!We are very excited for her!
We enjoyed having some visitors recently.
Mary Joyce Flynn , who owns Debrentanya , came by to visit with Donavan. Our good friend Nancy Bowlus who bred our Davy Crockett came over also. She and the 2 fillies had a great time.
I was proud of them, so friendly with everyone!
The fillies are doing really well. They are the most friendly pair I have had around for a while. They are happy, eating well, playing together now! So cute. Caught Rosebud pawing at Belle to wake up and play !
So much paper work. must sign up for the inspections this summer. Belle will go to Hilltop Farm to be presented and registered Hanoverian. Rosebud will go to the GOV for her registration. And Pepper's foal (now 5 days overdue) wil be presented to the ISR/Old. Sound confusing? Not really. The mares can be approved for breeding in several registries and the stallions also., So we match them up. Ie Rosall is approvbed by the GOV and Old/NA and RPSI. So he and Pepper match up with Old/NA and Bevolina and Rosall match up with GOV, and Bugatti Hilltop and our Beauty match up with Hanoverian.
I have been trying to get some of the sale horses onto videos for You Tube. So far, we managed to put some video of Boomer on his first free jump day. .not so great, but fun! Oh he can jump.. just we were really short on he could just joke with us. We also made a nice video of Gigi for sale, and ther is one of the 2 2009 boys if you have not seen that one.. Song and Rusty.

JJ Tate and the horses came home from Florida. She says Princess is doing really well. And Rosall ( Riley as she calls him) is teriffic.

Look at this little horse! I was able to lend a hand when a neighbors mini mare had a colt and she wasn't home yet! The mare's name is Faith and not sure what she will name him.
Everything was fine, but I have never seen such a little horse. He weighed about 20 lbs.The farm is called Chesapeake Minis if you want one!
We visited with our grandsons on Skype again. Such a joy. Quincy is shown here in a yellow sweater his Great Grandma had knitted for his Daddy. Corlan is in a cowboy hat keepingup with the tradition that all of us have worn one!!
We took a great photo at Christmas/Hannuka time of all of us. Just love it.

Nothing compares to having a great family! My son and his wife Helen are a lot of fun to be with!
We hope to visit in Seattle soon!
April 6, 2010
Temperatures in the 90's and grass is green! tulips in the yard, and pansies.. .though the deer nabbed a few! So much happier attitude! two fillies on the ground and just darling babies. So friendly and following me around like puppies! See more about these beauties on this page and of course will be highlighted on their own page with pictures! Follow us on YOU Tube... my page, Rosall's page and Donavan's page.. Kent Island Sporthorses page too.
( hmmm , too many?)

Anyway, Look at these pairs! And the fillies individually on their page. Click on the photo..
I will be posting them on the sales page.. just cannot keep all of them. these are both keepers for someone.. as they carry the best bloodlines: Bugatti Hilltop and top TB mare, = Balenciaga KIS; and Rosall ( Rubinstein) and Brentano II (Bolero) for Rosallie KIS.
The lovely TB mare, Little Black ( Beauty) will be bred to Donavan soon. She is perfect to produce a real classy star with Donavan. ! Read about her on the mares page.. high scoring mare in the Hanoverian JBP.!!
Our sweetheart, Dragee by Donavan will be off to Blue Waters where our friend Emily Covington will be starting her under saddle. We just started her lunging and what a champ! No problems! This is going to be a solid wonderful riding horse!
Heidi Hau, has been coming to help with Bianna Dragee's mother! tuning her up under saddle, especially in Dressage. Look at this beauty after only 2 days! 
Heidi is a former student of JJ Tate's that also figured in our family history as well! Her family purchased a small horse of our daughter's when Heidi was very young and she and Bugsy were a great pair. They did everything, Dressage, jumping , etc. Then Heidi , after a few years and a couple of horses, ended up as JJ's working student , eventually riding Donavan a bit, and our Donavan son Duesenjaeger (Pilot)! So now she has finished college, and is now in the area! How wonderful! She loves Bianna and we know she will help to bring her along until she is sold. Click on the photo to go to the sales page to read about both of these talented girls.
March 1-31, 2010--
Thoughts/prayers with Courtney King-Dye and her family for her full recovery from her accident. wwc
Courtney King -Dye was very seriously injured in a fall from a young horse that stumbled while schooling. She is in a coma and equestrians around the world are praying and hoping for the best outcome. We at KIS join them.

MARCH 31: Rosallie KIS- I guessed it!.. see my prediction! a filly by Rosall and out of EM Bevolina was born!! She is a doll. Also very friendly, ( am I lucky); a redhead with bling!! For sure a right fore stocking and looks like a left fore sock..too, but hard to tell. A lovely Star/strip/snip! Very feminine with a beautiful head, short coupled and up and toddling around fast and strong!! Her Dam is an exceptional mom!
More pictures will come soon. She is a very strong filly, and we are very pleased! 
She was boern at the respectable hour of 10:15 PM and we did get some sleep after 3 days up!!
Elite Mare Bevolina , also called Berolina is now for sale, and we will sell the filly too. We can include a breeding to her by Rosall or Donavan. See the sales page.
Bevolina's filly is going to be named Rosallie KIS, and known as Rosebud or Rosie B.

Click here to see more pictures of the 2 fillies ; The one by Rosall, and the one by Bugatti Hilltop.
both are for sale... and will be both a performance prospect and excellent broodmares!
March 19, 12:05 AM
-Balenciaga KIS 
Our first foal, a filly was born!! This is the Bugatti Hilltop filly in utero when we bought our newest mare, Little Black!!
"Beauty " as we call her did it pretty much by the book , a week early. The filly is very long legged and already after two days, practicing her pirouette! I am just going to post these photos for now. More to come! Every day is a delight! wwc
We have named her (for registration) Balenciaga KIS,
and calling her Belle or Bellamy in the barn.
We are now watching Berolina and she may come early too. Due April 4 , I predict March 31!
March 18, 2010: click on the photo of the 2 horses to enlarge.. lovely!
Wonderful pictures just arrived ! One of my oldest and dearest clients.., from right when I got Donavan , Dee Butler, has 2 Donavan
daughters. Her first one, Donnica, "Cookie" is her " Horse of her Dreams".. and now she says the other one , Donnachie is even nicer!! She calls the younger one, a gray beauty, Faith. Check out these lovely pictures!
Faith in the snow below ,and Dee riding Cookie with Faith following >!! She says she will be calling for breeding information! I am crossing my fingers. Love to breed some D girls to Rosall!
Note Cookie goes along in her western saddle, and I know she is a Dressage star!
March 12, 2010 : Please go to our Sales page and you will see that we are now offering 2 of our most special mares for sale. Both are in foal to Rosall and can be sold with the foal or open, with a breeding.
Atlanta by Aktion (Pion) and EM Bevolina by Brentano II (Bolero) are now for sale and will make anyone a super start for a breeding program, or wonderful additions to a program breeding for bloodlines, talent and temperament. Call with questions.443-249-3566.
Spring--March 20th!!-- a great time to start cleaning the barns!
March 4, 2010:
Signs of Spring, sun, yes, grass, yes, Donavan is perkier, YES! , but also sign is the calls from former breeders, mare owners, and people who have read something in a magazine asking about the foals, telling me about their Donavan babies , etc. All is fun.
Just heard that a friend, Brenda Schulte back in WI is riding her Donavan boy, DJ, in a clinic this weekend. He is reluctantly for sale, but I remember him as such a gentle big guy. If she asks , I will place him on the website. But that would be a great one to buy! His owner, breeder, did such a great job of training him.. he will go anywhere for her. She is hoping to get some pictures and a video.
I have been spending a great deal of time on Facebook, but it really is so nice to meet and re-meet people from other areas in the US all interested in similar things. Have been able to keep in touch with others, not related to my horse interests too.
Published again! JJ and Rosall and "Rusty" star.
In the March Sidelines Magazine, JJ Tate answers 5 Questions. and I was lucky that they chose to publish my article about Rosall and show his photo and Royall KIS' photo too! It is fun being able to get that cute foal out there. He is for sale, to a great home, he is special and he is still uncut, if anyone is interested.
Well, the snow is off the arena, so Bianna is going back to work. and our young Gigi (Dragee) will be getting her lessons again, on wearing a bridle and saddle! This is going to be a nice riding horse! also for sale.
New found photo of Rosall: This is JJ Tate on Rosall in the Michael Klimke clinic from last year at Hassler Dressage. Michael is back at Hasslers this weekend. JJ and Rosall are in Florida but they were able to all work together before Michael comes to MD.
Left JJ/Rosall at Riveredge West.
My boy is growing up!
February 25, 2010
HO HO, no not Christmas, but they are predicting more snow?? It is windy and cold and nasty, and I guess anything can happen.
I am so ready for Spring.
We are up to our pasterns in mud! Here are some spring-like works of art.
I also feed the birds outside the kitchen door..

These colorful bird pictures are of work by Tanner Jensen, and artist I met when at Devon.
and I love her work. Find her on facebook, thorough my pages, or google her;
she has a blog too. .shows these collages.
I am enjoying watching the birds out the window fighting over the seeds I put out onmy feeders. Mini Aussie , Bekki stares at the one brave squirrel that comes by. Outside my window as I write this is a tree, that reaches up to the second floor and often have the company of a finch, or thrush, ..cardinals too. My cat, now almost 16 years old, Popsie watches them too!
February 14, 2010 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! 
I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A WONDERFUL DAY. HUG SOMEONE, HUMAN OR ANIMAL! I love the flowers my hubby gave me, and the yummy dessert he brought home so we enjoyed our dinner together last night. Who knows what today will bring!
I would like to direct you to my Soapbox page. I like to add articles and ideas there that someone else might enjoy reading. So there is a new post: about the Aguapacer..for horses. Article
Our lovely mare by Royal Prince had an occasion to use this to recover from pretty scary accident in the pasture. and she is referenced in the article by owner of Blue Waters Stables, where she got her wonderful first start before joining JJ Tate.
February 1-28, 2010- Winter of Most snowfall in history!
Feb. 11th.
Hi all. Wow, the Dressage Masters in Wellington, FL were amazing! Steffen's ride in the Grand Prix just as smooth as silk! I loved his Freestyle too, byt Anky's was flawless! Some of the Florida weather was flawed however with some rain for Friday night's festivities, but all in all a wonderful event. Having been busy with the 10 Day test ad and Rosall last year in Jupiter , I did not realize all of the work that has been done in Wellington at the show grounds! Just wonderful. 

Loved seeing JJ and the Team Tate ladies. Of course watched her ride Rosall, and her other lovely horses. JJ, the week before, had previously, ridden him with Steffen Peters, and Steffen got on him! She was really excited about that ride.We very much enjoyed getting to spend more time with her client, Elisabeth ( from VA) who has bought a very charming home and stables in Wellington area. A real thrill was getting on my very young ( not yet 4) Royal Prince mare; Royal Princess and seeing how beautifully she is coming along. Aimee Boyer, with JJ's input, is bringing her along well. We hope to present her for her Hanoverian breeding approval. I must ride more !!

We were able to visit with my Aunt and Uncle which is always a treat. They met us at a great restaurant on the ocean, Johnny G's. Marty and I were able to get to Naples to visit an old friend from WI who had moved there prior to our move. Lovely area!!
Below, Steffen and Rosall from JJ"s phone.
A highlight was to see the Cavalia show . We enjoyed it, and prior to the show ate at Bubba Gumps, a restaurant with the theme of the movie Forrest Gump.
Delicious Shrimp! Royal Princess>
Click on photo of Steffen and Rosall for enlargement.
Right now biggest job is digging out of all of the snow ! Luckily we have some equipment from the days in WI!
January 1- 31, 2010
January 30, 2010:
Snow!! outside my window! oh my goodness! well, now I am more glad to be leaving for Florida on Wednesday. Cannot wait to see JJ and her team, Rosall and Princess, and my Relatives, etc etc.
Big news ! My beloved Davy Crockett , who has been most successful, is being offered for sale. It is a very bittersweet event. His owner has realized she needs to be riding a schoolmaster, and wants for Davy to to be in the hands of someone who is interested in a talented , young horse. Davy has a resume of great success. I will be posting on the Sales page shortly. He is the youngster we used to call Donavan's clone! I raised him from his 2nd month, after buying him and his Dam from a breeder out here in MD. I rode him as a green 4 year old and he was wonderfully tolerant and fun! JJ Tate even gave a lesson to my husband Marty on him when we visited him in Florida..

Davy is near 17hh, and a very dark bay, with 3 socks and small star..kind eye, and gentle demeanor , like his sire.He has excellent gaits as commented on by many judges. I was there when JJ got on for the first time and he was already reaching for the bit and going round.! I would love to see him stay in MD area, so I can see him!

Left, Davy as a 3 year old. Davy right at KY Horse Park competing under JJTate.
January 28, 2010:
We did it. We area going to Florida for several things: to see Rosall, and JJ Tate, to see Royal Princess and maybe I get to ride her; and then to see relatives, and also we are going to ...not Disneyland... to Cavalia! And we are going to watch the Dressage Masters competition with the top riders from all over the world coming to compete at Wellington. JJ is also going to be riding Rosall with Steffen Peters this coming weekend. How exciting is that? JJ is also having Charles de Kunffy give a clinic in Florida February 20 and 21st. Charles a mentor of JJ Tate and he is a leader in teaching Classical Dressage Principles and techniques. He called Donavan " a Treasure". So I love him!
Here is a picture of our young mare Royal Princess, ridden by Aimee Boyer in Wellington, near JJ"s She is helping to prepare her for her inspection and possible Mare Performance Test. Doesn't she look super!
We are very excited to be seeing her soon, and I will definitely get up on my girl and see how she feels! We are very happy with her progress and recovery from the scary-crazy pasture injury 
she sustained after crashing into one of her pasture mates over a year ago. Princess is by Royal Prince and we look forward to her eventually being bred to one or both of the stallions.
January 18, 2009:
Please take a look at the updated listing on the sales page! Two wonderful mares for sale. .can be ridden, or bred..proven in every way!
Just finalized!
A very good friend and highly skilled trainer and horsewoman, Alex Philpin will work with Dax and is thrilled to have him with her. At one time , ( see news archives) Alex took great care of Donavan for us, and will be training and riding Dax and sharing him with the students in her very wonderful equestrian programs for the YMCA in WI. Alex Philpin, A British certified instructor, former eventer, was the Barn manager and head trainer at Oldenburg Farms, Mequon, WI. and handled Elite Stallion Regazzoni too. Dax better pay attention, she will have a lot to teach him!

We have a lovely new mare! Please welcome our new girl , Registered Name "Little Black" 
We will call her Beauty!! She is a 16.1hh TB mare, approved by The AHS, RPSI, and Oldenburg NA. She is in the Han. Jumper breeding program, and also a star mare the Oldenburgs. She is a premium mare for RPSI also! She is also , ( drum roll please) in foal to Bugatti Hilltop due in March!
Beauty comes to us from our wonderful vet, and top eventer breeder , Elisabeth Callahan, and she has had several top foals before this one. She is very sweet, and very talented, winning high placement after her MPT in the AHS stud book. Anyone who has followed our story, knows who is going to breed to her! Donavan of course!
Donavan crosses so beautifully with TB mares, that when you have a special TBmare like this one, you know a fab foal will be forthcoming!
We just love this mare! She is due March 24th, so keep an eye on this one!
Read more about Bugatti Hilltop, click here.
January 11-14.
Hello everyone! I hope you have begun your new year with many positive goals! I am positively going to lose a few pounds, and I am positively going to have some fun!
News Flash! Rosall has been wearing his new double bridle in Florida!! Look at this handsome boy! 
We are still white with snow, and some cold weather lingers. Donavan loves this and still passages out to his paddock and then goes for the Big Roll! The now yearlings ( foals of 2009) are healthy and darling, and very Fuzzy! They have been joined in the paddock by Roulette, a lovely tall filly owned by our barn manager, Josie Gomon, and she keeps the boys on their toes, and heels, and everywhere. The broodmares, Pepper and Berolina are bigger, in foal to Rosall, and we are very excited. As you know, Manhattan , in foal to Rosall has moved on to Ohio, back to her original owner, Isabelle Brown, and will continue to be a broodmare, and also used for Issi's Dressage lesson program!

Please look up this wonderful new program that has been started by a former client and trainer, CEO Kelly Thiesen.
Kelly bred to Donavan, and also bought and helped place Sugar's ( our mustang) colt when he was started.. Spirit!
Watch for more to come, soon.. gotta dash! Secret: Looking for a new wife for Donavan! Got an eye on a really dark lady!
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