reference stallions
Sires Chosen for Our 2008 Foals:
Click here to visit the Offspring of Reference Stallions page
Pablo, 1988 bay
Paired with Atlanta (Aktion), produced Paprika KIS, top filly at her inspection. Posh is in California.
Reserve Champion of 53 stallions at 100 days test. Type: 8 Conformation: 9 Correctness of Legs: 9 Trot: 9 Canter: 9 Rideability: 9 Jumping: 9.
Reserve Champion of 53 stallions at 100 days test. Type: 8 Conformation: 9 Correctness of Legs: 9 Trot: 9 Canter: 9 Rideability: 9 Jumping: 9.
Pablo's pedigree is very well known for exceptional jumping talent through his sire, Pilot, and has dressage recognition through Graphit. He is a proven stallion in Europe with 16 approved sons, including Prinz Pablo, Pablito and Paparazzo. Pablo is both a very good mover (9 on trot for both 100 day tests in Germany and Sweden) as well as a superior jumper. He qualified for the Bundeschampionat twice and was selected for the Programm Hannoverian Springpferdezucht more
Pablo's Pedigree
41 0084174
bay |
41 0174165
bay |
41 0162959 |
SPS Duela/Westf.
H 41 1447661 |
H 41 1918470
chestnut |
31 0412264 |
Grande |
H 31 6805764 |
Keith/Trak. |
H 61 0083779
SPS Sonja/Hess.
H 61 0434373 |
61 0029868 |
Lukas |
H 61 0374169 |
Usurpator xx |
Escudo II, 1992 black
Escudo II
Paired with Caviar, produced Essex KIS
Paired with Little Black XX, in 2012 , Jumper Breeding Program mare
The expressive and typey black 16hh Hanoverian Licensing Champion Escudo II appears in both the top list Jumpers and top list Type. He is one of only two stallions in North America to do so (the other is Pablo). Escudo II is in the Hanoverian Jumper Program and has the highest breed value for Type of any Hanoverian stallion in that Jumper Program (151 type and 134 conformation).
Escudo II maintains that top position in the 2009 Hanoverian stallion yearbook and shares his placing with Sandro Hit, a stallion also known to produces typey dressage horses, however Escudo II’s jumping index is much higher. His FN rating is 103 for dressage and 128 for jumping. Escudo II is a class I stallion who completed his testing at Adelheidsdorf with 125.63 -- 4th out of 43 stallions. He scored 117.56 for dressage and 125.73 for jumping.
Escudo II's Pedigree
31 1100481
chestnut |
Eiger I
31 3705375
chestnut |
SPS Diplomatin
H 31 5107776
chestnut |
31 0410663 |
Duft I |
H 31 6405672 |
Lukas |
SPS Athene
H 31 4504585
bay |
H 31 4514276
bay |
31 0426571 |
Woehler |
SPS Wotansesche
H 31 6710463 |
Wotan |
Sire chosen for 2009
Sinatra Song, 2003 black
Paired with EM Bevolina.
2006 Bundeschampionate
Sinatra was one of two stallions selected by the Hanoverian Verband to represent them at the 2006 Bundeschampionat.
Sinatra finished in the reserve position and was the highest scoring Hanoverian. He was calm , cool and collected under pressure.
70 Day test Sinatra earns dressage index of 121 points
Sinatra Song had very impressive dressage scores at his 70 day test. He earned 9's for Charakter, Temperament, trot, walk, Galopp , cross country galopp. Rideability over fences 8.25
I chose this free jumping photo to show you that he can jump!
Sinatra Song's Pedigree
Sandro Hit/Old.
33 0471993
dark brown |
Sandro Song/Old.
33 0863088
brown |
Antenne II/Old.
H 33 0868384 |
EM Loretta/Old.
H 33 0150587
dark bay |
41 1050180 |
Ramiro/Holst. |
H 33 0134883 |
Welt As/Old. |
SPS Paulina
31 6100790
brown |
Pik Bube II
31 4601275
bay |
H 31 1331386
chestnut |
31 3107081 |
Akzent II |
31 2019581 |
Wendelin I |

Royal Prince, 1999 bay
129.90 Total/135.82 Dressage/102.83 Jumping
Reserve Champion of his 30-Day and 70-Day Tests and achieved Class I status
Royal Prince was approved in the fall of 2001 by the Hanoverian Verband and was a finalist in the 2002 Bundeschampionat. As a 4-year old, Royal Prince was the Reserve Champion of both his 30-Day and 70-Day stallion tests and again was a finalist at the Bundeschampionat. At all these events, Royal Prince consistently earned 10’s for his rideability and walk, and 9’s for his trot, canter, and willingness to work.
Hilltop Farm imported Royal Prince in the fall of 2003 and in the spring Royal Prince made sweeping wins of all his classes at the 2004 East Coast Selection Trials for the FEI World Championships for Young Horses. At the Championships in Verden, Germany, Royal Prince demonstrated his keen focus and lovely gaits and made a bit of American history when he earned an overall score of 8.84 and a final standing of 4th place in the world! No American entry to date has placed so successfully in this international event. Royal Prince next headed to Lexington, Kentucky for the USEF/Markel National Young Horse Championships. Once again, the judges awarded Royal Prince a 10 for his walk, 9 for his trot, 8.5 for the canter, 9 on submissiveness, and a 9.2 for general impression, giving him an overall score of 9.14 and the 2004 National Championship title.
His offspring have been consistently named inspection site champions, and have often been chosen to go to Dressage at Devon.
Royal Princess , out of Brimming ( Banter)
bred by Dee and Don Kapper, now owned by Kent Island Sporthorses is one of the lovely fillies Royal Prince has produced. (Bottom photo: Royal Princess at MPT, JJ Tate)
Royal Prince's Pedigree
33 0111490
brown |
Rubinstein I/Westf.
41 0666986
black |
41 0971080 |
H 41 0075972 |
Elektia V/Old.
H 33 0082475
gray |
Inschallah x
31 0070168 |
Israel x |
SPS Elektia/Old.
H 33 8324762 |
Chronist/Old. |
Piri Piri
H 31 7016595
bay |
Prince Thatch xx
06 0039482
brown |
H 31 5105591
dark chestnut |
Wenzel I
31 4540876 |
Woermann |
SPS Desiree
H 31 7710886 |
Delano |
Sire chosen for 2010 |
Bugatti Hilltop:
paired with "Little Black" ( Beauty) TB mare.
Foal due March 24, 2010.= Balenciaga KIS, sold to Deb Dalseg, Canada.
Bugatti Hilltop's Pedigree
31 6697794
bay |
31 4419286
chestnut |
SPS Allergirl
H 31 4722975 |
H 31 4617380
Pik König
31 0418768 |
Pik As xx |
H 31 6938266 |
Frustra II |
SPS Raffinesse
31 0117993
Rubinstein I/Westf.
41 0666986
black |
41 0971080 |
H 41 0075972 |
SPS Desiree
31 0662588
33 0887081 |
Donnerwetter |
H 31 4614978 |
Pik König |
Sire chosen for 2011

Paired with our Elite Mare Royal Princess OBX (by Royal Prince out of a Banter mare.)
= Royal Rousseau KIS ; Hasslers BreedersSweepstakes Winner, in 2011, and pinned at Devon. Sold to Harmony Sporthorses in Colorado, owners of Rousseau.
Rousseau's Pedigree
black |
21 0378459 |
Fax I/Holst. |
25362 |
Prefekt |
41 2203300 |
41 0174165 |
H 41 1985100 |
33655 |
Nicolas |