NEWS - 2014-2015- To follow from March 2015 and beyond, click on this .
Breeding season is open!! With our excellent frozen semen from both of our vboys, you may order it anytime. ( you must have a proper storage system available.) Purchase by the dose is always an option.
Breeding to Donavan and Rosall can be done any time of the year using the excellent frozen semen.
DONAVAN: FULL PKG. is a two year plan for up to 5 doses of frozen semen, with LFG, for 1,350.00. This includes one certificate for breeding for ONE LIVE FOAL. IF you choose to use the semen for a second mare, then a fee of $500 must be paid , A letter from the veterinarian must accompany the new mare form. Then you will receive a second breeding certificate FOR THE SECOND FOAL.
ROSALL: A FULL PKG, two year plan, with LFG, is $1500.00 and includes up to 6 doses of frozen semen. ADDITIONAL DOSES OF FROZEN SEMEN IF NEEDED ARE $500/PER DOSE. ONE live foal certificate is issued . Should you wish to use remaining frozen doses for a second mare, a letter from the veterinarian must be sent to the stallion owner with a mare form, and 500.00 for a second breeding certificate to be issued.
.Let us make a custom contract for you and your mare! Or consider leasing one of our wonderful girls. By doing that, you will save money on the cost of a foal..
If you can store frozen semen correctly, please call to purchase Donavan or Rosall doses at any time! 443. 249. 3566;
We have added a video of Rosall on You Tube. It is a video of him and JJ Tate during one of the Tests at the 10 Day Advanced Stallion Performance Test held March, 2008 in Jupiter Florida. *
For Donavan and his foals, videos use:
To learn about inspections for your foals and mares, go to the Links page. Find the registry you are interested in and go to their site.
Many more photos on the Facebook pages. Wendy Winett Costello, Donavan, Rosall and Kent Island Sporthorses each have a page on Facebook.
2012: Top 10 % for Donavan!! USDF Leading Sires. The OLDER guy keeps on ticking!! Nothing old fashioned about Quality!!
2013: Kent Island Sporthorses (Wendy Costello) is listed 48th out of over 400 breeders on the USDF list for Dressage horses.
Divine, (Donavan) Exclusive KIS, and Rosallie KIS(Rosall) , Royal English KIS,(Rosall) all helped us achieve high marks.
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2015 arrives with some bang but some tears too. To see more of 2015 see link above.
Just before the New year arrived, we sadly lost our lovely TB mare , LittleBlack ( Beauty) and it broke our hearts. She was colicking and we took her to New Bolton Center in PA, a top equine hospital and they performed surgery but it was not enough to save her. And so we wish her a wonderful meeting with Remy and Evie, our other TB mares who over the years have presented us with fabulous Donavan and Rosall foals.
As a family we had a wonderful 2014 Thanksgiving trip to Walt Disney World and were with our son Adam and his family which includes the 2 boys, Corlan And Quincy.
Such a fun time!
Michelle Cable, in MD, is enjoying her Davy Crockett as a Hunter, and Shannon MCGEE in Canada is loving her young Danika, by Donavan bred by Maureen Hall . IN the mean time, Shirley Calvert has sold her Korona so another person will love the Donavan magic. The other Danica, the one in MD, we knew as Dilly bred by my daughter Jill, is approaching PSG with her owner Linda Byrd! They earned a bronze medal for Linda! Divvy, owned by Andrea Mitchell is now in Florida, new farm with Andrea, and looking forward to more competition.
Rosall's approved Stallion Son , Royal English KIS , (Eddie) continues to grow in ability under the super trainingof a JJ Tate prodigee, Katie HIller.
Eddie is a handsome red bay boy and is so easy.. and wowed the judges at his approval with his jump!! Then he passsed the lifetime stallion testing with ISR/Oldenburg NA. IN this photo is Eddie on right with Katie Hiller holding the reins, Marty Costello, Wendy Costello, JJ Tate, and Rosall , the sire! We have a lot of fun with these horses!

We hear from Terry Blair in Georgia that her Don Noir is doing so well, and she loves Donavan's granddaughter Champion's Dior. Perhaps thinking of breeding her? She also is watching Dessah by Donavan out of Caviar, growing into an elegant young mare.
Looking forward to visiting some of these offspring and their wonderful owners.
WE also have some new fuzzy's here: Katya, the second of our tortoise shell cats, had a surprise litter. 6 adorable kittens and we found loving
homes for them all except one just had to stay! LaVerne.. cute tiger tabby. The tiny photo on left was Katya as a kitten. Then there is a photo of her on
our bed.. much larger now.
The photo of the striped kittenin the box is Laverne.. one and only .. what fun she is.

2014 rolls along!!
September, 2014.
We are gearing up for the 2015 breeding season, and invite you to discuss with us what your desires are. If you have a TB mare, Donavan is a perfect choice ; Rosall is a super stallion to refine and improve, enhance any warmblood mare.. superior pedigree, throwing kind temperament, and long legs, active front end, free shoulders, beauty. See his filly from this year: Royal Roulette KIS,out of Royal Princess OBX; Premium Oldenburg. She is now owned by Alice McCoy and is known as Duchess around her barn.

Donavan is happy in his 29th year. He often speaks up when the others go by and trots and passages out to this pasture each day. WE are so very lucky to have him with us. Right now his son Democracy KIS is with JJ Tate and her team in Chesapeake City , MD, going nicely under saddle at Riveredge West, and being prepared for his show debut or his sale, whichever might come first. see him at left.
If interested, please contact us. He is about 16.2hh and a sweetheart like his sire, and his Dam. He is out of our lovely TB mom, Beauty, and can do whatever you wish. Priced low 20's.
Pilot is doing well at home, and I am enjoying riding him again! Patti Magennis comes to help us keep him fit and tuned up.
See me on him right below. He and Dempsey are very similar.. both being out of a TB mare. Pilot out of Remy, and Dempsey out of Beauty.

We have a super new Barn Manager and are very happy. Karla Myers comes from Ohio with a great deal of experience managing horses and a barn. She borugh along her Qtr. horse paint, Chewy.. and a darling new puppy, Boston terrier, Paisley.
Marty and I went up to Devon to see Team Tate and shop a little at Dressage at Devon. Always fun.. enjoy seeing old frirends, and ran into Beth Jennings who owns and rides Donavan's daughter Dakairi. Beth was e-scribing for the judges at Devon!

Dakairi is one of Donavan's several lovely gray offspring, she is out of Atlanta, by Aktion. Atlanta, Pepper is now in Arkansas with English sporthorses.
WE have heard many times for the onwers of Paprika KIS, , Posh who is out in California under the guidance of Sarah Lockman. Posh, our red hot redhead, was a favorite and is now making her mark. Maturing and loved by the Nataren's, Kelsea and mom, Cheryl.

March 25, 2014

Donavan continues to please and surprise us with his health and vigor! He turned 29 in March and is having fun , playing with our two aussies and overseeing the new happenings at the farm.
First, we are now very close to having a foal here out our Royal Princess OBX by Rosall.. for our client Alice McCoy. Due April 22, could be early! Our visiting Donavan daughter, Dinah , is due in May , with her Wamberto foal. She is owned by Steve English of English Sporthorses.
We just got news that Donavan has a new Granddaughter by the wonderful stallion Rousseau! Here is the lovely Debutante, owned by Barbara Cadwell in WI. The filly has 2 white front socks and a 3rd hind. So Donavan!! Her name is to be Ravishing!! And she is. 
Lovely long legs and look at the star!! Congratulations to Barbara.
We spent a few days very worried about our little Aussie, Bekki, who ran off, and we feared she would be killed by a predator perhaps taken off by someone.. but we were able to find her with the help of our Michael our barn help on the weekends, who lives in the area and he tracked her down , and showed us where she was .. Thank you Michael Keller. Rosall is in Florida with JJ, shaking off a sore hoof, and getting back into work! So glad.. HE looks super and I cannot wait to ssee him. WE have been so busy withthe remodelof our home , that we cannot get to Florida easily.
Our two grandsons and our son are arriving in April to visit and we are excited about that.

JJ also has been given a grant by the USDF foundation.. to continue her study and training .. as a promising future member of the US Team. She will also ride for Robert Dover, the new Dressage Chef D'equipe! So proud of her. Lovely rider, lovely person!
left: Debutante by Donavan.
2014 is the Year of the Horse!
November- December 2013-January 4, 2014: : Guess you can tell I have been busy.
Jan. 4, 2014. Snow and very cold in MD, on Kent Island. The big remodel on our home has been all consuming. so much so , that I am posting mostly on my Face Book pages and not here so much. but I will try to catch up now.
Welcome to Kent Island Sporthorses to our new barn manager, Amanda Gallagher. She has arrived ready to work, and is doing a great job. She brought her lovely mare, Greenaway Kate, a gray Arab cross, eventer. And her new puppy Adelaide.
Donavan continues on, eating well, and playing a bit, eyeballing the girls and being such a wonderful big guy. He will officially turn 29 in March.
Rosall has recovered from his latest injury and is now back under saddle. Will take a bit to be back to full speed.
Rosall and JJ Tate and her team have gone off to Florida for the Winter Season. We hope to get there to see JJ and her team, and Rosall this year.
Etienne, Beauty's little guy by Escudo II and Reko by Rosall out of Royal Princess OBX have both left us. Reko is now staying at Leslie Feakins place and JJ and Richard check on him . He looked good when we said goodbye.
I continue to be glad that Pilot ( our first Donavan ) is here with us. And he is still very healthy. I hope to spend time in the saddle this Spring!
Royal Princess is looking ..well.. pregnant! She is due in April with Alice MCCoy's foal, a full sibling to Rekos Royall KIS.
We left Beauty open on purpose , to see how she will do under saddle after all of these babies. She is looking very well .

Dinah, by Donavan out of a TB mare, is with us. Steve English ( English Sporthorses in Arkansas) has entrusted her with us to have her foal by Wamberto. She is due in May, and the foal is for sale. This will be a talented foal. Dinah has succeeded already as a Hunter , under the training of Aimee Boyer of Harmony Hill Farm. Check out Wamberto on Hassler Dressage website.

Andrea Mitchell in WI, and her Donavan son , Divine have had a great year in Eventing, being featured in an article in the Chronicle of the horse is just one form of recognition. She has taken year end awards and high placings at Beginner Novice.

Watch for the AHS Stallion Auction ,A Donavan breeding has been donated again.. And his offspring are proving to be very talented and make owners very happy!!
Wow.. a lot has happened.
After the very successful inspections for the two colts., we were asked to take Etienne, now owned by Aimee Boyer and to be registerd as Exclusive KIS, to Dressage at Devon! This is one of the top Breed Show in the US. She is so proud of him and excited that we agreed that we would get him and his Dam,Little Black ready. They were bathed, and brushed, clipped and shined, and off they went .. Thanks to handling by Quinnten Alston, and his team, Etienne placed 4th in a large Class of 2013 colts.
We also were very excited to see our home bred, Rosallie KIS by Rosall, now owned by Deb Dalseg of Canada, place a high 4th place, with 80.2 in her GOV , All Breeds class. She won that class as a yearling, and placed 2nd as a 2 year old. She now scored higher in a fabulous class to place 4th. Rosallie is out of the fabulous mare, Elite Mare Bevolina by Brentano II.
And as exciting was the under saddle debut for Eddie, Royal English KIS, by Rosall , out of ATlanta ( Aktion) also homebred and now owned by Steve English.
This young stallion was approved for breeding by the ISr/Oldenburg NA this summer as well, by earning very high scores of 8.5 in 3 categories during his inspection!! He jumped like a pro. He is just 3+. At Devon, he placed 4th and 5th in two materiale type classes with his wonderful young rider, Katie HIller. She is a student of Jessica Jo Tate, our long time Trainer. Seen here with Katie up. Eddie is very much his Daddy's son, and so easy to work with!! We look forward to great things form him and Katie!

News of Donavan's daughter Dinah, winning some Hunter classes and also now in foal to Wamberto!! We think Dinah ( MO MO ) may be coming here to foal out in the Spring along with our Princess. She is a lovely girl with 4 socks and a wonderful gaits. Aimee Boyer of Harmony HIll Farm in MA has been showing her for Steve English. Dinah passed her MPT with the AHS this summer to be approved for breeding!! She is such a sweet girl. Read in JULY>
Dinah below.

OUR home remodel is moving along and we are very excited though it takes so much time out of our days. The Colts are almost ready toleave.REko is weaned and will be JJ Tate's little star soon. She will be moving him to a "growing up" facility near her at Riveredge WEst. Etienne is going to be weaned in a day or two.. ( October 12. ) The Aimee Boyer will pick him up what a show stopper he is! Shown here at night outside his stall. 
We heard from a new client that her half Arabian Donavan colt , named Dominoe, has won a championship at the Arabian nationals!! wow!! so excited about this one. Donavan does make a great cross with Arabian mares. And the TB's.
Dessah, the Donavan filly in Montana, bred by Bhritta O'Neill has been sold to the exactly right person in the world for her! Terry Blair owns her brother, Don Noir ( called Haz) and Terry is so very excited to have her little girl home. She has waited several years for an opportunity town a filly by the same Stallion, Donavan, and out of the same mare, Caviar ( Cor Noir) . Dreams do come true!
See Dessah at 25 days old.. on the right below. Legs! We were so very excited to visit her in MT, and she can move!!
Looking forward to see Beth Jennings again and this time she is bringing her Dakairi by Donavan to school with JJ Tate!! Cannot wait to see them soon!

July continues:
Heat, hot, and more hot!!! Whew. Clipping the colts, and Donavan , and hosing off and bringing in to escape the humid heat.
However the colts are well and looking so good. Inspections coming up end of JUly, 29, and 31st. Reko goes GOV, and Etienne goes AHS.
Enjoyed the AHS inspection at Hilltop Farm, for our daughter's home bred, Dinah ( called Mo MO). She looked wonderful, Aimee Boyer rode her well and Steve English had a right to be proud of her, as she received super marks in her inspection.. She is in the Hanoverian Stud book , not an easy feat for an Oldenburg NA mare out of a TB dam, and at an AHS inspection. Because Dinah has already been showing and winning as a HUnter , she was ridden that way inthe MPT, however , the German judge did say he wanted to see some more Dressage work.. it is possible she could be tested again. Her conformation scores were excellent, ie, several 8's !! She earned a 7.16..Hanoverians only have to earn a 6 to get into the main mare book!!
Dinah is a 16,2hh , dark bay with 4 socks and a star.. very pretty girl by Donavan! Her TB mom was an eventer and Dinah is in foal to Wamberto.
WE had a wonderful time with our grandsons in Seattle.. lovely weather and fun things to do. Wendy played soccer with her grandson Corlan.... reminding her of her years playing with a ladies league. ( see below .. Marty took this super picture!!)

June-July 2013: So much catching up to do. June 8th, brought us a new colt by Escudo II out of our lovely TB mare Little Black (Beauty). He is being named Etienne!! It is a French name I like and is loosely translated as Steven! What a darling foal and so sweet. He is so easy to work with and has already been clipped with the electric clippers because he was born during a hot spell and had velvet coat! He has the prettiest head, so very typey, and is modern and athletic. Etienne was sold in July to Aimee Boyer of Harmony Hill Farm.. in MA, and he is going to be a jumper!!
Etienne is for sale. We are hoping to sell him to someone we know will give him every opportunity he deserves to be a Jumper , or Dressage horse.
The home remodelling is going well. Progress being made onthe exterior and interior. WE are going to visit our Grandsons soon and also a dear client in Montana where we can finally meet Donavan's daughter Annah, and his new daughter Dessah, and also get to hug our former mare Caviar , (Cor Noir) mom of the new filly.
Sorry to say, our Barn Manager Bobbie and her husband Shawn are going to leave end of August. Bobbie is hoping to re-enter her field of microbiology and they hope to be able to live close to his family. We are actively seeking a new person to take this position and hav erecieved many great applications. We wish Bobbie and Shawn so much luck and happiness in their next adventure.
Etienne in the straw >

Dessah , is a bay with 3 socks and that is so Donavan!! Here she is looking light but will surely shed out with her black legs, mane and tail, and be a darker middle.
May 2013:
With great sadness we have to report the untimely passing of our friend and client Carolyn Cress English in Arkansas. She was such a sweet and kind person, and a tremendous horse woman. She cared deeply for people and horses. Her husband Steve will carry on her vision of her breeding program for now, and Marty and I will help him as much as we can. Carolyn had caught the attention of the Hanoverian Society This past year when Hugh Bellis-Jones came for a visit.

She had purchased our foals, Essex KIS , and Royal English KIS, Rapunzel KIS, and was hoping to purchase a filly by Escudo II out of our Beauty... due this June. She also owned our former broodmare, Atlanta, and was helping us to raise Democracy KIS by Donavan.. shown here.
Glad Carolyn is with all of our horse spirits in heaven!!
Home remodel goes on!! Progress being made. Trying to decide on range hoods, and mirrors and ceiling treatments etc. This was aninspriation for my kitchen.. though wont really be the same.. more on my facebook page in an album called 2013 addition and remodel.
The first 2013 colt , Rekos Royal KIS is growing so nicely and it looks like JJ Tate and her husband Richard Malmgren will be keeping him!!! JJ and Richard came over for a super visit and had a lot of nice things to say about this colt. JJ also had a very emotional reunion with her Guy , Donavan!! He was so glad to see his Lady.

This week, May 17, Champion's Dior will gbe leaving us to go to her new home in GA with our dear friend and client , Terry Blair and her husband Jeff. And she will join her Uncle?? cousin?? Don Noir by Donavan. Dee Dee is a granddaughter of Donavan. We have loved having her here for the last year but this is a super opportunity for her to be traine3d and live a life she deserves!!
And by the end of May , Judy Walker will be visiting.. She is the talented artist who painted our beloved water color of Donavan. She and I have been in touch for 10 years, have met a few times and she has made our ads for the farm and the horses, sales etc.
See you in June.. and hopefully the new foal will be born.. And he/she will be for sale.. She will be quite a jumper prospect!!
March /April 2013:
He is here!! Our 2013 colt by Rosall out of Royal Princess OBX!! We are naming him Rekos Royall KIS .. Rekos is the last name of the little girl Jessica Rekos who died in the Sandy Hook horror... She loved horses and wanted to have one. She would have if she had reached her 10th birthday.. So we are calling this little guy Reko and he is special!!

Reko was born on March 20 and 9 days early but so ready to go!! He is a bay with 4 socks, a snip and strip and star!! He is strong and shows the same type a shis sire Rosall, muscles, compact and bold!! But so sweet.. wants to be with people.. He calls to me each morning if I call his name. He has a bright future ahead.. perhaps JJ will be his Rider..perhaps owner , we will see :-)
Tux is coming along .. He is the flashy rescue project we have here. Tux is showing great aptitude for being a super quiet riding horse, and even pops over an x every so often. He is only 15hh ( barely) but is a very comfy ride for those of us who are not too tall.
Our kitty , our little tortoise shell, has died. She was hit by a car. So we buried her in the cemetery with some of other little ones, .mIss you Tortilla.. TT

The House remodel goes on , and on and on..... changes each day.
We wil post many more photos but if you wish to see the way it gone, go to Facebook and see it under my name Wendy Winett Costello. There is an album, 2013 Addition and Remodel.
So much to report:
I will start with this email from an old client.. Jackie Ege; her amazing story is on my tributes page.. we get letters:
Hi Wendy,
So sorry you lost your kitty. So beautiful.
On the Lacy front there's great news. We found the right trainer. In
November she helped me get past all the bamboozeling that Lacy had built
up--rearing, bucking and not going forward. In February I figured out
how to get the horse to finally accept the bit in a good way--thanks to
Parelli. In February the trainer spent a lot of time with us
straightening our circles--much of Lacy's resistance came from the right
Turns out, most of my chronic back pain was due to this. We were both
sore for several weeks. In March we learned to slow down our pace and
find our balance--man, what a difference! Now we are working on
collected transitions which are getting easier as I become more aware.
I've had my knees wrapped for a couple of weeks, but my back and hips
are becoming more flexible, as are Lacy's.
Yesterday we had an awesome ride outside, and the trainer was surprised
at how well we stayed under control.
I feel like all the blanks are being filled in. The trainer says the
horse is very talented, just needs to be channeled the right way. She
understands Lacy, and is helping me understand what's going on.
(one of my private victories is when Lacy is being worked and all the
people around stopping to watch her--then I know it's not just me)
I hope to show her sometime this summer, or have the trainer do it for
me. Right now we have so much new material, I just have to learn to
connect all the dots and process it.
I still think she's the best horse in the world and am grateful she's
making my dream possible.
You can be very proud of her.

And another great emaii:
Hi Wendy,
I am so excited to report that I have a beautiful filly by Rosall out of my GOV mare Velvet Poetry. She was born March 23, in a cold rainstorm, of course, but mom and baby are doing great. She seems to have a very nice personality and I will tell you I am extremely happy with the cross!!
Thank you again for the encouragement to try the frozen semen. It is such an incredible reward to see this effort culminate in such a great outcome.
The two photos are when she is 7 days old. We are calling her Rhapsody for now, pending the name availability??
I will send more photos as I get them!!
Thanks so very much!!!!!
Dawn ( from Texas)

Febuary 2013: 
Love to all of our faithful fans, and followers, here and on Facebook. Donavan is doing well, and Rosall and JJ , now in Florida, have been riding with some of the top riders and clinicians in this country, Steffen Peters and Charles de Kunffy, Walter Zettl, Scott Hassler, and others.
Dragee has been sold to a lovely young rider .. and is happy iun the Northeast!! She loves being a Hunter!!
Looking over the last year , this little foal just tickles me!!
Look at Donavan's little splashy foal?? I received this from Michelle Parrett who is so thrilled with this result. See the lovely mom , Calypso.. and Donavan on the right and the little one. I am intrigued with this result!! . I hope to hear more from Michelle, in Virginia.

We are looking forward to the birth of Royal Princess's new foal.. by Rosall. This one will be special.. ( aren't they all?)
plus Rosall
Our Beauty is going to have an Escudo II foal..a jumper foal!! We have been told by the vet it looks like a filly... So we area hoping as a good client is very interested!
Beauty Plus Escudo!! Another great match.
So glad we have our new Barn manager Bobbie McDonald and her husband Shawn Tisdale here with us. We are so busy with the house remodel, they are making a big difference.
See you in March!!
Happy New Year!!! 2013 has arrived.
2013 has come in with a bang!! So much going on for Kent Island Sporthorses . Dragee, by Donavan just sold. Congratulations to Kristina Matz in CT. She is a talented young adult rider , and they will be winning in the Hunter divisions!
Wow, starting off well.
My first Born Duesenjaeger , aka Pilot, who arrived a few months ago, has successfully completed a conversion process for his Atrial Fib.. He passed his one month testing, and can go back to work. This case will be presented before the staff and students of the New Bolton Center in PA. I am very excited!!
The new remodel is going well, so much to think about , so many choices and decisions for the process. Stairs, doors, colors, materials, appliances, etc etc. I do enjoy decorating and artistic things, and creative pr
This is the front with the tower going in, my office will be up front on first floor, and then above will be a niche at top of the new stairs,Perhaps for the grandkids.
We are also adding a first floor bath, bedroom, library and office for Marty, renovating the kitchen too.
See below. Go to my Facebook page, Wendy Winett Costello
and see the album. Remodel 2013.

The top of the house, the third floor which is never used.. is going to be taken off.
DECEMBER 2012: Best thing to happen for us was to visit our Grandsons! We saw them the week including Christmas and New Year's Eve. Corlan is 5 and Quincy is 3 and they each have grown a great deal since we last saw them
Corlan's claim to fame is his great talent at the piano and now skiing. Quincy is mastering riding his 2 wheel bike. Here is Quincy with his proud Dad, Adam and his very excited grandma, me.. running after him!! This was in Seattle. Here is url for Corlan's composition on piano.

Here is Corlan in the snow:
We went to the Nutcracker Ballet and enjoyed a lovely concert.

By the end of December we had made progress on the Remodel of 2012-12!!!!
We will post more pictures in our news starting January 2013.

October through November 25, 2012
Time is flying!! First HURRICANE SANDY roared in, but we were very lucky and the worst missed us but we are so sorry for the people in NY and NJ that were hit very hard.
List of News:
1. We are remodelling our house so a lot of destruction, then construction; See many pictures on Facebook.. note the link above!!
Here is Marty on the job. Supervising!!
2. Happy Thanksgiving!! We had a great dinner with our Barn manager Bobbie McDonald and her husband Shawn Tisdale! Trees are lovely, and some are very red!
3. I visited English Sporthorses in Arkansa, Carolyn and Steve English and saw my grads: Essex by Escudo II out of our Little Black (Beauty); Royal English KIS( Eddie) by Rosall out of Atlanta; Dinah by Donavan, Democracy KIS by Donavan out of Little Black (Beauty), and Atlanta ) Pepper, formerly our mare) had arrived! Then
4. Rapunzel KIS by Rosall out of Little Black was sent there later that week!! Carolyn and Steve are proving to be super partners!!
5. Love the new doors on the two barns! And the flower planters in front of the Old barn!
Pi was my first born foal by Donavan!! I adore him. He was sold at 8 years after a very successful career with JJ Tate riding, and he went on to more success with another pro riding him for the amateur owner. But now I have him back. I decided to buy him since they were going to sell him .. and I have already been on and had a ball!
Below is Pilot, the dark bay standing next to his half brother Drizzle ( owned by Bobbie McDonald) and they are saying hi to Donavan on the right.
Drizzle is now here and what a fun guy!! He has taken to his half brother Pilot!! So Pi and Driz are pasture mates, and Donavan thinks that is just grand!

September 2012
Where to start. Weather finally cooling off a bit, and a little more rain. Horses are fighting the bugs a little but that is starting to ease off too.
We have happily welcomed our new Barn Manager and her husband, Bobbie McDonald and Shawn Tisdale. They have settled into the newly updated and enlarged apartment, and proving to be very helpful with everything from mucking stalls to lunging horses and also showing us their nature friendly practices of gardening, growing own edibles!!
Look who we have here! Our little Tia ( Tortilla) is growing up! She is a darling kitten and I love her. She is funny and sweet!

Dressage at Devon

We just returned from the Breed Show part of the Devon experience!! What a good time. The weather was really good. And Devon has really spruced up the footing and the fencing, the stalls and paths..
Rosall's two kids that were being shown were great and both did really well!! Rosallie KIS, out of Berolina by Brentano II, was a hair behind the First place winner in the GOV breed class!! It was for horses 3 and under.. and , she was Reserve Champion!! She earned a nice 80.7 !! She is owned by Deb Dalseg of Thunder Bay, Canada. Royal English KIS , a 2 year old colt out of Atlanta by Aktion, was 4th place in his ISR/Oldenburg NA class. It was very exciting! Devon is a very wonderful place but also very electric .. and not all of the youngsters ca n handle the excitement and crowds or the activity level.
I really enjoyed seeing Beth Jennings there, She was coming to scribe for the Grand Prix judges .. very nice of her!! She has Dakairi , the Donavan daughter that is now in foal to Rosall!! She may bring her to me to foal out here in MD!! That will be fun! We share that baby!!
We had to come home but will watch our friend Susanne Hassler ride in the Saturday night Grand Prix freestyle online, and we are cheering on JJ Tate and her Team Tate Dressage in their efforts on Friday ,Sat and Sunday, at many levels. Especially cheering for Katie Hiller and Toy Soldier. Katie is another of JJ's talented young riders that started with her at an ealry age of about 10 or 12 after watching her ride Donavan when she gave exhibitions at MIdwest Horse Fair, 2000-2005.
Breeding season has drawn down and we have two mares in foal here and there are a nice group in foal across the country. Our Beauty is in foal to Escudo II for a super jumping foal, and Royal Princess OBX is waiting for a Rosall Foal!!
Rapunzel KIS, our Rosall filly out of Beauty is going to start weaning in a few days, ( September 30) then she will move on to her new home in Arkansas with Carolyn English and her half brother Royal English KIS. Will really miss that one!!
Marty and I had a nice side trip to Valley Forge during Devon week. Very lovely Park and very interesting history lessons.
October should be fun.. leaves changing and Rip leaving , pumpkins and candy!! Everyone have a super Fall!!

July and August 2012 :
Gotta get caught up!!
August 26 and 27th: So See the boy at the top of this page , in the middle with me, about 9 years ago?? Well, that is Pilot,
( Duesenjaeger by Donavan out of Ona Rainy Day)... he is now home with me again!! Pi is my first born Donavan son and through a certain chain of events, he is now mine again and he is here at KIS..! I am so very excited!! He is now 13 and has been very successful in the lower levels of Dressage and has tried some Hunters too. We will see what he will do here. Soon, I will be hosting Naomi Parry here at the farm to give some lessons to some of her clients.. so maybe Pi will help with that!
Word from Aimee Boyer re: Dragee ( Gigi) is she has won a Hunter class at a recent show!! So proud of her! I know she
will make someone very happy, she is for sale and some folks have been looking at her, we will see.
JJ Tate, our wonderful trainer/rider for Rosall has just ridden two of her horses at the National Young Dressage Horse Championships in IL and done very well!! Congratulations to JJ !! so proud of her! Summer placed top 10 , and Figi 3rd overall in his division!
Rosall has been training well, and also has been to Select Breeders for some collections for frozen semen. If you or your vet can store frozen semen correctly, then you can order frozen semen anytime to have on hand when breeding season rolls around in your location!
Biggest NEWs for KIS!
Our Rapunzel KIS, by Rosall out of Little Black, has earned the Reserve champion award at her ISR/Oldenburg NA inspection. She earned an 8.0; 8.2 and 8.3 for her scores! Premium foal award! WE were at Hilltop Farm and everyone there was very helpful and we had a great time!

July 4th: Happy Fourth of July: Independance Day!
We went out in the boat.. to be named : Kentankerous! We watched the fireworks from the Naval Academy barges in the River.
So hot , very hot, A lot of hosing off the horses, and fans blowing constantly.. But everyone is fine, the filly is bouncing around and shedding out her baby hair. The ISR/Oldenburg NA inspection we will attend is at Hilltop Farm in Colora MD.
Our mare, and Rapunzel's mom, Beauty is now confirmed in foal to Escudo II for 2013.. a jumper baby!! Her sire is Rockamundo and Dam is Security Shadow. Beauty is a lovely TB with great talent. (reg. name is Little Black)
So we will have a foal out of our Royal Princess and one out of Beauty.. a few months apart! 2013/
We have a building permit!! yaya.. So we will soon start the addition onto our house!
Check us out on Facebook! I have a page with my name.. Wendy Winett Costello
also one with each stallion, Donavan and Rosall; and one for Kent Island Sporthorses.

*Look at Donavan's little splashy foal?? I received this from Michelle Parrett who is so thrilled with this result. See the lovely mom , Calypso.. and Donavan on the right and the little one. I am intrigued with this result!! . I hope to hear more from Michelle, in Virginia.
*Hooray!! Dakairi by Donavan ( home bred) is in foal to Rosall!! Congrats to Beth Jennings!! I am so excited as I own a part of this foal!! YOU may remember Dakairi is out of Atlanta by Aktion, ( Pepper) a wonderful mare we had until a year or so ago.
*Also a huge Congratulations to Bhritta O'Neill who owns our Caviar and she is now in foal to Donavan for a foal in 2013!!
June 15,2012: So much going on. Yesterday we completed the breeding of Little Black to Escudo II , for a jumper foal.. and will not breathe well until we check her for pregnancy in 2 weeks. Happily the weather has been beautiful, and we are enjoying blooming flowers! I have daylilies and morning glories (I planted from seed) and some zinnias also from seed starting to bloom. Always a great start to each day. The baby barn swallows are flying off.. some falling and being rescued.. a few toads and a box turtle also rescued from dogs and cats.
The new filly by Rosall out of Little Black is doing so well. She is gorgeous!! She is sweet and she is very athletic!! And she is sold!!
Rapunzel KIS was snapped up by our client Carolyn English in Arkansas who is fast becoming a partner in crime so to speak. She has purchased several of our horses and is doing a super job with each one. Her Rosall colt, that we bred, Royal English KIS ( Eddie) by Rosall out of Atlanta by Aktion, is now at Bruce Griffin's facility in VA to start training for in -hand breed classes.
Eddie is just lovely and she reports thathe is so sweet , don't know he is a stud , unless the ladies are around!! Will post more pics of Eddie as I get them grown up!!
Dee Herman's lovely "Hope" by Rosall ( aka Raigin) is just a dream filly. She is out of her Donavan mare , Donnachie, or "Faith". The gray beauty has a lovely bay filly!! Dee is one of our longest loyal clients, and has two Donavan mares, a Donavan colt, "Donegal " aka Oscar out of a TB mare, and now her Rosall /Donavan filly of this year , and a Rosall/Donavan filly of last year.. out of the two different moms!! Raigin>
By the way, I have a gorgeous picture of "Oscar" taken by Richard Malmgren of Hassler Dressage, where Oscar is staying while being companion to our Royal Rousseau KIS now owned by Harmony Sporhtorses and living at Hasslers. 
So excited for several mare owners who have checked in that their mare's are in foal to Donavan for 2013!! So nice to hear the excitement in their voices. I remember that day when my first mare, Remy, was found in foal!! I still was just excited when our Elite mare Royal Princess OBX was found in foal to Rosall for next year!! That will be a super foal!
OH yes, OUr Donavan daughter, Dragee, aka Gigi, is doing so well at Harmony Hill Farm in MA with Aimee Boyer. She has pinned in her classes as a Hunter, and several
folks have been looking at her for purchase. She is quite a prospect!!
<I took a photo of Donegal, by Donavan , not so glamorous, when I visited him at Hasslers, but Donegal (Oscar) in this photo by Richard Malmgren! left, shows what a handsome guy heis . He is for sale.. so contact me and I will let Dee Herman know!
More exciting news.
Bianna, now owned by Hailey Lashear, and her future eventing mount, is in foal to Landkonig for a future jumping star!! WE are so very excited for Hialey, and hope that Bianna will help her dreams come true!! Landkonig stands at Rainbow Equus Meadows in CA , and is a proven jumper star!!
May 2012: So much to talk about!! Dragee is showing in MA at her first Hunter show!! Debrentanya by Donavan is now with JJ Tate , getting ready for her MPT this summer! We bred her! She is out of Berolina,(BrentanoII) Elite mare.. who is now in S.C. Our former mare, Atlanta , Pepper , is being bred by her new owner in LA , to Rosall !! Dee's mare Donnachie by Donavan had a lovely Rosall filly this year! pictures to come!
She's here!!
Rapunzel Kis by Rosall out of Little Black.
Beauty finally had the filly on 5/18/12, about 5 days after her due date. The foaling was very difficult due to the babie's position however thank you to Cindy and Tim Harris and Dr .Di Di Callahan who all helped the foal be born. We then took the mare and foal to New Bolton in PA since they were so stressed , and over the next week they were tested and given support so both arrived home in super shape!

She is a darling! So very sweet and loves humans! She is named after the Grimm fairy tale princess who was locked in a tower and could not get out without the help of her long hair. She is indeed a princess, very feminine and also very exuberant in her movement like her Sire Rosall. She may be black or very dark like her Dam, and also her grandfather Rosario is black.
We have also welcomed a wonderful young lady for the summer, an acquaintance from WI, Megan Osladil. She was only 10 years old when our daughter Jill sold her a horse to be her first horse, a TB, named Kitty. Kitty and Megan were inseparable for many years and then she was lovingly placed with a woman who also wanted her first horse.
Megan has gone on to ride and show several horses. and is now in college in Nebraska. But she wanted a new experience so she has come to help us here at KIS.
Megan will be helping us to exercise our horses that are under saddle.
Wendy's Kent Island Tux, the new Colorful kid on the block is doing so well with the help of Matt Taimuty, our farrier and also a former eventer and Dressage rider.
Wendy and Megan and Matt all got on him on May 30 and he is so sensible and quiet!! He is only 5 years old and was a rescue from the Central VA Horse Rescue!

Our great clients and friends, the English's in Arkansas have been telling us all about Rosall's son Eddie (Royal English KIS )and Donavan's boy Dempsey , (Democracy KIS) both there with them on their lovely farm. It is a plan for Eddie to be shown in hand and for Dempsey to end up with JJ Tate one day! Stay tuned!
We took a peek at our last year star, Royal Rousseau KIS at Hassler's ! He looks super! So proud of him. His sidekick there is also a Donavan boy, Donegal ( Oscar) .. owned by Dee Herman in S.C. , and they are such a cute pair. Both yearlings!
So happy, we have heard from Isabelle Brown in OHIO that she sold her Rosall /Precious Icon gelding, Rusty.. to a student and the new photos are super! Will post soon. !He is new under saddle and doing great! Looks like Rosall! See left below.
Last but not least .. Elite Mare Royal Princess OBX is now in foal to Rosall for 2013!!

March and April, 2012:
Wow Time is flying!! We had a very interesting and fun trip to Ocala, Florida!! We were able to combine some family business with some recreation!! And of course horses! We were invited by Judy Yancey of Yancey Farms to visit her mustangs , ( also her lovely warmbloods.) I am intrigued by mustangs as I own one full mustang; our little Calico Mountain Sugar and Spice, who has been caring for the weanlings for many years; and my riding horse, Miss Faith, who is part mustang and part TB, part Hanoverian. Interestingly , many of the wild mustangs are buckskin or dun, and so are my tow! So are some of Judy's.
Marty and I also were able to just spend a little time watching some jumpers and Hunters at HITS.. something we rarely have ever done, since we watch lot of Dressage. Lovely horses, riders and beautiful jumps!! We came home and immediately made some training decisions for our two mares for sale! Bianna is going into some serious jup training with Nancy Roberts, near us, and Dragee (left) has gone on to Harmony Hill Farm in MA with Aimee Boyer, to continue her cross training in Hunters , after her super Dressage tune up with Hassler Dressage. Aimee knew Dragee ( Gigi) when she was being started and always has thought she would do well there. We really want to find these tow sweet girls homes, so fair offers will be considered , but once in the show ring... very soon for Bianna, price could be affected. Gigi is by Donavan and shows a lot of promise and a sweet temperament.
We are anxiously awaiting a Rosall foal out of our lovely TB mare, Little Black, ( Beauty) and she is so big now!! She is a great mom and this will be a special foal. This foal is for sale.. if you wish to reserve it now!! Beauty is the dam of the Bugatti daughter, Balenciaga KIS who was a premium foal, and also the Dam of our handsome Donavan colt , Democracy KIS being raised by our partners in Arkansas, English Sporthorses, so JJ Tate will ride him. Beauty is approved by several registries including being in the Jumper Breeding Program for the AHS. There fore , we will breed her back to Escudo II , the wonderful JBP stallion from Rainbow Equus Meadows in CA. See our "outside stallions", on the menu, because we have bred to Escudo II before and had super results!! See Essex KIS below. H e is showing superior talent for jumping!
We are preparing to breed our Elite mare, Royal Princess OBX to Rosall as well, and this will be a star !! Princess gave us our Sweepstakes winning Rousseau colt, Royal Rousseau KIS last year, who now is owned by Harmony Sporthorses in Colorado, owners of the stallion, his sire, Rousseau.
Knowing the possibility of this foal, we are hesitant to offer in utero.. but if truly interested please call. Supposed to be downsizing!! :-)

Spring has Sprung for sure and lovely flowers really perk us around here. Wishing everyone a very lovely Spring, and smooth transition to summer.. And a successful Competition and breeding season for all of our friends!!

Remembering Teerose, our lovely gray Hanoverian mare that we lost several years ago.. We planted white roses for her in WI.. One day we will plant some here in MD for her!!
February 2012
Well Valentine's day has come and gone. Loving on my horses is a daily thing but special on this day! Enjoyed the gift of flowers and card and dinner from my husband.
Only a few more months until the foal arrives. I am hoping for a filly by Rosall out of our lovely Beauty, but don't know.
Good News. I just purchased a breeding by Escudo II for Beauty's next foal, to be a true jumper!! I participated in the AHS auction and was able to buy the breeding at some savings! So that will be another exciting foal to anticipate.
I will be breeding Elite mare Royal Princess to Rosall for 2013 foal. That will be a really exciting foal as well. Princess will have to go to another inspection .. but she will have no problems there.
Our Dragée , aka Gigi , is in training at Hassler Dressage. She is showing them she can work , and though young and green, she listens and tries. She is for sale and is listed on our Sales page. Check her out on you tube too.
Please follow us on Facebook I seem to find many more moments to add things there and it is fun sharing with the horse community that way as well.
January 19, 2012
January is starting with mild weather here on the Maryland Eastern Shore. Rosall has left for Florida with JJ Tate, and Dragee and Bianna are home! What fun! They are taking it a bit easy and starting to do some cross training with Nancy Roberts our resident jumper rider. They both love it. I am also interviewing for some more part time help. Always fun but also tedious to find just the right people to help us here at KIS. Courtney will be getting married this Spring , and changing her hours. Nancy is moving her home horses to a new location nearby and moving herself as well. So hours are changing.
Buy In Utero ?
We launched some new videos on Face book.. so check them out at Channel, Wendycos. A new one of Dragee , at JJ"s schooli g last Spring and a new one of Bianna taking a few free jumps. See their ads on the Sporthorse Horse Market and Big Eq online. Looking forward , almost holding my breath for Beauty's foal, by Rosall!! It will have to be a wonderful one, as this mare is to die for! So pretty and elegant, lovely mover, and her foals have all been superior. Dont know if it is a colt or filly. So you can reserve one or the other if you wish to purchase this foal in utero. See Beauty ( Little Black) on the mare's page.
Follow JJ Tate on Facebook. She is doing some wonderful things this winter in Florida, riding with Debbie McDonald, Steffen Peters, and Charles De Kunffy. Scott Hassler, also, and other top riders and coaches.
DONAVAN has welcomed 2012 well, in good health and good spirits. He is a bit grayer, and bit slower maybe, but he is turning 27. HIs Han. son from 2011 is now in SC , playing with Rosall's boy "Eddie" , and Donavan's daughter Dinah!! Our good friend and client , Carolyn English is taking great care of him. Susanne Hassler reports that Roy (Royal Rousseau KIS) is doing well at her place, and enjoying growing up with the Prem. GOV Donavan son, Donegal GDF ( aka Oscar) .
The American Hanoverian Annual Meeting is the weekend of January 20-222.. and should prove to be a really exciting weekend , in Sunny Florida!!
Happy New Year 2012!!
All the best to you and yours! Special hugs to all of the Donavan and Rosall kids out there!
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