The Breeding Goal of the American Hanoverian Society
"The aim is a noble, correctly built warmblooded horse capable of superior performance, a horse with natural impulsion and space gaining elastic movements — a horse that because of its temperament, character, and willingness is suited principally as an all-around riding horse."
Competition, Exhibitions, Demonstrations, Clinics and Breeding Success.
At the 1988 100 Day Test — Donavan earned 136.16 points as Reserve Champion of 18 stallions tested. Among his scores were 9's on rideability, willingness to work, trot, jump ability, and a 10 on canter. At the 1996 Hanoverian Stallion Licensing on the East Coast, Donavan was the Champion based on his performance scores. (read the quotation from the judges on Donavan's page.)
Donavan has enjoyed amazing health and soundness all of his life, and has been successful in everything he has done from his brilliant Dressage Career including Grand Prix, Musical Freestyle exhibitions and demonstrations, to presenting clinics with his rider JJ Tate, performing for charitable causes, to being an exemplary sire of championship winning offspring and an approved son. He was a forgiving and calm schoolmaster for a few of us, what a privilege!
At the end of the 2008 season, Donavan was listed in 85th place out of 1130 places on the USEF Leading sires -Dressage list. There were many places with more than one stallion tied. This is a remarkable finish for a stallion who was 100 Day tested, completed a successful Grand Prix Dressage career, and has sired all of his foals in the US and Canada.Th is was up against many of the excellent stallions who have come over fromG ermany, or still are in Germany and who are siring foals via frozen semen.
Though Donavan has not sired the numbers of offspring that the very successful stallions in Germany can, he has a very high percentage of offspring successful in competition.
2004 to 2006- Highlights
Donavan's career , from 2000 under the ownership of Wendy and Marty Costello, was always under the very capable guidance of Jessica Jo Tate, and the lists here represent the highlights of 2004-2006. In 2007 Donavan was retired from most under saddle work, and continued breeding.To see older competition highlights you can visit the ISR/Oldenburg NA registry web page where they show a list of competition highlights during Donavan's years since beginning Dressage competition, first with George Williams, and then with JJ Tate.
December 2005:
Donavan finishes the 2005 Season #9 out of 162 on the Leading Dressage Breeding Sires list put out by the USEF.
December 2004:
Donavan completed the 2004 Season listed # 7 on the USEF Dressage Breeding Leading Sires List, out of 166 stallions on the list.
After Donavan's fun and exciting Retirement from Competition Tour in 2003, he went on to perform at several venues, dancing to disco and patriotic music, and then to country favorites receiving standing ovations and meeting old and new fans up close and personal. He has given lessons to accomplished riders and the average rider, with the same good nature and tolerance for all. Often upon request, Donavan accompanied JJ Tate to give clinics and teach members of several organizations about elements of Dressage and horsemanship that can best be learned by watching the rider and horse together.
A full page photo and description of Donavan's role as an Ambassador for the Hanoverian Breed appeared near the front of the 2003 Hanoverian Society Stallion book. The comments were about his temperament and accessibility of which we are very proud.
He has raised funds for other horses! He has performed for the Hooved Animal Humane Society in Woodstock, Illinois. He has helped to raise funds for people, a very popular fellow at the Polo Match for the Task Force on Family Violence in Milwaukee. Donavan has appeared on a segment of the Public TV show "Outdoor Wisconsin." By the end of June 2005, Donavan will have appeared on RFD TV in his own show! He has continued to accompany his rider JJ Tate to clinics and helps her to bring Dressage to others.
In addition to all of the above, from 2000-2007 Donavan's book of mares to breed increased annually and the foals are all exceptional individuals giving great pleasure to their owners, in backyards and in show rings.
April 2005:Midwest Horse Fair, Happy 20th Birthday Donavan!
Donavan turned 20 years old and performed at the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison WI., and stood on Stallion Row for the last time. He celebrated his birthday with all of his old and new friends that could join in. He then stepped back to let his wonderful offspring speak for him, and represent their special part of the Hanoverian legacy. He then relaxed a bit more and gave a few lessons, continued breeding to sire some more outstanding equine individuals! He was now able to take some time out to smell the flowers and roll in the dirt! Then in 2007, he moved to MD with Wendy and Marty and his herd!
June 24, 2004:
Donavan starred in his own TV show "Donavan, Elite Hanoverian Stallion" produced by Dressage Un LTD. |
2007 to Present:
Donavan went to his new home at Minikani Equestrian Center, closer to Wendy and Marty Costello.
Donavan continued to serve a very full book of mares, and to produce exceptional foals for Wendy and Marty Costello at Riverland Farm in WI and laterat the new Kent Island Sporthorses in MD..
Don Noir, by Donavan and out of Caviar (Cor Noir) now owned by Terri Blair, in 2006 was Top Foal at his Oldenburg N A inspection, earning 8.2 Premium award. His half sisters Dakairi ( Donavan v Atlanta) and Debrentanya(Donavan v EM Bevolina(BrentanoII) were highly praised at their AHS inspections. In 2007,Don Noir's full sister Duchesse earned an 8.4 Premium at her inspection and Donavan's son Don Giovanni,out of Precious Icon (Rolls Royce) purchased by Isabelle Brown, is a pleasing colt for the GOV. Dragee, (Donavan v Bianna (Bordeaux) was complimented at her AHS inspection. Davy Crockett, (Donavan v Winpenny(Weltbekannt) sold to Jayne Nessif, has won several high placings at KY Horse Park, then in VA, and at Dressage at Devon, a third place in the FEI class for four-year-olds. Then at Regional Finals he was champion at Training Level! His prelim. class saw him and JJ earn a 77%.
Davy continues to the present in young horse competitions, with both JJ Tate and his amateur owner..
Donavan went with Wendy and Marty when they moved to Maryland in October, 2007 to start another chapter for their breeding program as Kent Island Sporthorses. Donavan will be Senior Stallion, and will be reunited with JJ Tate who has relocated to Mt. Airy, MD! The plan is for Donavan to continue breeding as long as he is happy and healthy doing so, and he will be turned out to reign over his mares and foals and loll around in the pasture.
Frozen semen will also be offered
Donavan's Past Achievements
Donavan's retirement year, 2003, was topped off by being listed #2 on the Dressage Breeding Leading Sires list of the U.S. Equestrian Federation, due to the wonderful showing of his son Drachen Herz!
Donavan will be taking a break from competition, and we are proud of his Farewell (from competition) Tour scores! At Sorensen Park on May 23-24, Donavan scored 66% at Grand Prix and 64% at Intermediate II under judge Tom Poulin - not bad for the 18-years-young guy!
June 2003:
Then at his old "stomping grounds," Tempel Farms in Wadsworth, llinois, where he started his great career with George Williams aboard, Donavan took a second place in the FEI Test of Choice with his Intermediate II score of 61.6% with distinguished judges Janet Brown and Axel Steiner. He received an 8 on his one-tempis (flying changes every stride)! The weekend ended on a nice note when the announcement was made about Donavan's semi-retirement and his career highlights were read.
News from the USDF regarding 2002 Awards: Donavan has earned Second Place in the Hanoverian/All Breeds Year-End Awards at Intermediaire-II. His average was a teriffic 61.463%. Of course his partner was Jessica Jo Tate of Wyngate Dressage Center, Walworth Wisconsin.
Most recent score of 2002 for Donavan and Jessica Jo Tate: 70.7% at Intermediaire II and 65% at Grand Prix! Donavan and JJ showed under Charles deKunffy at the Sorensen Park Dressage shows on July 19 and 20 — a fabulous accomplishment for the Senior Stallion, who is looking like a new man.
We were proud of JJ and Donavan! at their first CDI at Paxton Farm, showing Prix St. Georges & Intermediaire I against some of the best. They earned an "8" on their extended trot from Axel Steiner! Donavan and JJ qualified for Regionals! Donavan earned a year-end fifth place in the USDF All Breed Award (Hanoverian) at Intermediaire II with an overall 60% average.
December — April
Currently competing in Florida at Intermediaire II and Grand Prix
June 29-30
At Paxton Farm, Donavan and JJ Tate scored 61% at Intermediaire II — a hot weekend.
June 8
Donavan and JJ Tate earned a 65% at Silverwood, and the next day made it a great weekend by riding a very nice Grand Prix test for 62%! Two more blues are hanging by his stall! Congratulations to them both.
June 2
Donavan and JJ Tate scored a nice 60.1% at Intermediaire II, a qualifier. Judges included Jessica Ransehausen, Michael Poulin, and Marianne Ludwig. The weather was perfect and Tempel Farms looked lovely!
Donavan starts 2002 off with a Bang!
The opening show of Donavan's 2002 show season started on May 4 at Silverwood Farm (Wisconsin) with the Intermediaire I, in which he took the Blue Ribbon, with a 63%! On Sunday, Donavan went on to another Blue in the Intermediaire II, with 61.7%, making his first show of 2002 a huge success!
May 2001
Donavan received their first blue ribbon since returning to Wisconsin with the Costellos, August of 2000. Donavan has been with JJ Tate since September of 2000 at Silverwood Farm Dressage at Intermediaire II. (under rider JJ Tate of Wyngate Dressage Center)
June 1, 2001:
Donavan and JJ receive a second blue ribbon; first place out of four at Grand Prix at Tempel Farms!
July 24, 200:
Donavan and JJ earned a terrific 61% at FEI-Intermediaire II, for the Blue!
July 14-15, 2001:
At Silverwood Dressage, Donavan and JJ earned two qualifying scores at Intermediaire I with a score of 63%, and at Intermediaire II with a score of 62%, both for second place against tough competition.
For Success of Donavan's Offspring (click here)