Rosall's Accomplishments
Oldenburg Stallion, by Rosario out of Akzent II mare
Rosall arrived from Germany early in 2007, and after quarantine went to GoodNess Ridge Farm to train and compete with Jessica Jo Tate.
Show: Kentucky Horse Park
Results: First place, Training Test 4 — 73%
Show: Dressage at Devon Sept. 26, 2007
Results: First Place, Materiale Class, Four-year-old Stallions and Geldings
Region 1 Finals' 07
Show: Morven Park Mid May 2008
Results: two blue ribbons, highest score 79.2% Tr. level
Show: Morven Park May 3-4, 2008
Results: 72%
Show: PVDA Ride for Life, '08 High Point Show
Results: two scores each 75.2% Training Level 4
Show: Lexington, VA High Point
Results: scores ranged from 74-77%; first in all classes.First level
Rosall qualified for the BLM trophy, and Region 1 Finals again for 2008.
Dressage at Devon: Second Place and 3rd Place , Materiale and colts and geldings suitability classes.
Rosall ended the season with being named #9 for USEF Horse of the Year at Training level, and #1 for the USDF All Breeds Award German Oldenburg Verband at that level.
March 6,7,8
Rosall debuted at 3rd level in Wellington, Florida; he received 61%, 64% and a 70% his first time out. His 3rd level score was the highest score at 3rd level for the show.
On March 12, the ISR/Oldenburg NA 10 Day Advanced Stallion Testing began and on March 22nd, 2009 Rosall was the top scoring stallion for the test. He is now lifetime licensed with this registry. 
April 11-12; Rosall and JJ Tate earned an 8, 8, 8, 8, 8.5 at their first day of the Qualifier Show for the FEI 6 year old test held at Morven Park, Leesburg VA. He was second place ( average 7.8 ) on the second day of the show. Overall he ranked first of the horses entered at all ages. He was highest score of all 6 year olds in the show.
May, 2009: Raleigh, NC. JJ and Rosall (aka Riley) competed and qualified for the National Young Horse Championships to be held in IL in August.. They earned an overall 7.86, just behind the 1st place horse by a hair. They earned several 8.0's (one for Canter, Trot, one for Overall Impression) JJ was very pleased.
Rosall's Ranking for the top 6 year olds in the country, remains in the top 3 as the scores fluctuate as horses qualify.
Rosall ended up ranked a close 3rd in the 6 year old qualifying competitions. a minor injury kept him from the National championships. He was awarded 2 stars by the ISR/Oldenburg NA as part of the star stallion program. So it is Rosall **.Read about that program at the ISR website.
Dec. 2009 In Florida with JJ Tate. Training with the best.

2010-Rosall is in the Double Bridle. Florida.
Look how handsome the boy is! All grown up. JJ reports that he is working on the pirouette, and his changes! Scott Hassler has come and ridden him and likes the progress!