So near and yet so far! foals thru the years

Two by two-Don Giovanni and Dragee; 2007 foals
Pepper is not happy with Posh (Paprika KIS) 2008 filly

Essex can jump! ( Escudo II and Caviar) 2008 colt Mother and child.
10 day old colt, 2009 "NIcholas" lives in Delaware. Definite Class will be his registered name.

Rosall's first son, Royall 1 week. ("Rusty")

Sinatra Song colt, out of EM Bevolina, 2009 ; Sinatra Balladeer KIS; right below, 1 month old-- "Song"

<Devereaux , above and left
April, 2009 filly by Donavan.owned by Erin Gillespie,
at her inspection where she earned an 8.5 and 2nd highest RPSI filly in the US.
Davy Crockett below as a yearling..... Right Dyquem-filly.

Right , and below: 2 Donavan foals playing together..Dragee (Gigi) and Don Giovanni as weanlings!
Below, Dinah, her first Day!

These two were such fun!