Riverland Farm, est. 1993
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With Donavan, something wonderful is always happening!
Wendy & Marty Costello
Fax: (262)243-5065
Riverland Farm
13700 N. Riverland Rd.
Mequon, WI 53097;
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original website by
Freestyle Graphic Design.
Donavan's Accomplishments
For 2004 to present, watch for updates on the New website pages.. WWC
As we try to get his information over to the New website, please excuse the "dust".."Under construction"
Thanks ! Wendy Costello
Go to the New Home page by clicking on HOME to the left. |
Donavan's 2003 Show Results
Donavan's 2002 Show Results
Donavan's 2001 Show Results
Donavan's Offspring's 2001 Show Results
Donavan's Pre-2001 Show Results
& Accomplishments
(then scroll to Donavan's name which is listed in alphabetical order on the ISR/Oldenburg NA site)
Short Summary of Donavan's career
Donavan's 2003 Show Results
- Donavan's retirement year, 2003, was topped off by being listed #2 on the Dressage Breeding Leading Sires list of the USEquestrian Federation, due to the wonderful showing of his son Drachen Herz!
- Donavan will be taking a break from competition, and we are proud of his Farewell (from competition) Tour scores! At Sorensen Park on May 23-24, Donavan scored 66% at Grand Prix and 64% at Intermediate II under judge Tom Poulin - not bad for the 18-years-young guy!
Then at his old "stomping grounds," Tempel Farms in Wadsworth, llinois, where he started his great career with George Williams aboard, Donavan took a second place in the FEI Test of Choice with his Intermediate II score of 61.6% with distinguished judges Janet Brown and Axel Steiner. He received an 8 on his one-tempis (flying changes every stride)! The weekend ended on a nice note when the announcement was made about Donavan's semi-retirement and his career highlights were read.
Donavan's 2002 Show Results
- News from the USDF re: 2002 Awards: Donavan has earned Second Place in the Hanoverian /All Breeds Year-End Awards at Intermediaire-II. His average was a teriffic 61.463%. Of course his partner was Jessica Jo Tate of Wyngate Dressage Center, Walworth Wisconsin.
- Most recent score of 2002 for Donavan and Jessica Jo Tate: 70.7% at Intermediaire II and 65% at Grand Prix! Donavan and JJ showed under Charles deKunffy at the Sorensen Park Dressage shows on July 19 and 20 - a fabulous accomplishment for the Senior Stallion, who is looking like a New Man.
- At Paxton Farm on June 29-30, Donavan and JJ Tate scored 61% at Intermediaire II - a hot weekend.
- Donavan and JJ Tate earned a 65% at Silverwood on June 8, and the next day made it a great weekend by riding a very nice Grand Prix test for 62%! Two more blues are hanging by his stall! Congratulations to them both.
- Sunday June 2, Donavan and JJ Tate scored a nice 60.1% at Intermediaire II, a qualifier. Judges included Jessica Ransehausen, Michael Poulin, and Marianne Ludwig. The weather was perfect and Tempel Farms looked lovely!
- Donavan starts 2002 off with a Bang!
The opening show of Donavan's 2002 show season started on May 4 at Silverwood Farm (Wisconsin) with the Intermediaire I, in which he took the Blue Ribbon, with a 63%!
On Sunday Donavan went on to another Blue in the Intermediaire II, with 61.7%, making his first show of 2002 a huge success!
Donavan's 2001 Show Results
- May 2001, Donavan received their first blue ribbon since returning to
Wisconsin, at Silverwood Farm Dressage at Intermediaire II.
(under rider JJ Tate of Wyngate Dressage Center)
- On June 1, 2001 Donavan and JJ receive a second blue ribbon;
first place out of four at Grand Prix at Tempel Farms!
- On July 24, 2001, Donavan and JJ earned a terrific 61% at
FEI-Intermediaire II, for the Blue!
- Best Yet: at Silverwood Dressage on July 14-15, Donavan and JJ
earned two qualifying scores at Intermediaire I with a score of 63%,
and at Intermediaire II with a score of 62%, both for 2nd place
against tough competition.
- We were proud of JJ and Donavan! at their first CDI*** at Paxton Farm,
showing Prix St. Georges & Intermediaire I against some of the best.
They earned an "8" on their extended trot from Axel Steiner!
- Donavan and JJ qualified for Regionals!
- Donavan earned a year-end 5th place in the
USDF All Breed Award (Hanoverian)
at Intermediaire II with an overall 60% average.
- Currently competing in Florida at Intermediaire II and Grand Prix.
- For more show scores and accomplishments, click here,
then scroll to Donavan's name (alphabetical)
Under rider, Jessica Jo Tate of Wyngate Dressage Center, Donavan is competing at the highest FEI levels.
Pictured here: JJ & Donavan! with owners Marty & Wendy Costello.
Donavan's Offspring's 2001 Show Results
Drachen Herz won a High Point Hanoverian award at a Breed Finals and at Devon earned a very respectable 7th Place in a class of 28!
8/2/01: Drachen Herz takes his second Championship
On his way to Regionals and Devon!
Hilda Gurney scored him in the 80%'s and praised his elasticity, lovely reach, large joints, Trot!!, and gave him an 8.5 on his walk!
Congratulations to Margaret Goodell of Sullivan, Wisconsin.
"They made their daddy proud!"
Two 2-year-olds, in Get of Sire class, WON THE BLUE against excellent competition!
Duesenjaeger (owned by Wendy Costello), '99 gelding & Drachen Herz (owned by Margaret Goodell), '99 colt.
Dexter wins the HITS (Horses in the Sun) Adult Jumpers Winter Circuit Championship in Ocala, Florida, Feb. 2001.
above: Two of Donavan's sons (and breed show winners) Duesenjaeger, and Drachen Herz, posing with Wendy Costello, owner of their daddy, Donavan!
below: Sue Reifenrath and Damla Benz
8/2/01: DamlaBenz, Draco's big sister, ('96 filly) won the Mare Championship over stiff competition, earning over 80% from Hilda Gurney at the Sorensen Show in East Troy, Wisconsin. "Elegant Mare!" Congratulations to Sue Reifenrath of Richfield, Wisconsin. |