This is Ducati, 2004 colt, by Donavan out of approved TB mare..Oldenburg NA.

Bred by Kathy Cook, and sold in 2006 to Jennifer Selvik, who has this to say:


"Ducati is currently stabled at my parents' farm, and is doing wonderful! They own a private horse farm on 110 acres, and are expanding their facility this summer with the addition of an indoor riding arena. Ducati and I have been spending lots of time together building trust. He has the most wonderful personality, and everyone who has met him thus far loves him! He never fails to meet me at the gate, and is content to pull out each and every item from my grooming tote and play with them while I groom him, pick his feet, etc., untied, in his paddock. He also enjoys our walks around the farm and on the quiet country roads nearby, and is quickly learning that things like blankets, mailboxes, and other strange objects will not eat him! :) I have gotten many compliments on him, including from our vet, who was quite impressed by him. I am thoroughly enjoying my "Donavan" and can hardly wait to ride him next year! "

Sincerely, Jennifer Selvik & Ducati

Ducati as a coming 3 year old: